To celebrate her wedding, Susan changed into her mud-resistant clothing and put the dogs on the sheep. Here are two photos of Chase working his flock. Cheryl takes the very best photos of our boy.
a April 2nd, 2012
Herding On April Fool’s Day
April 2, 2012 by myeye
Category Bluefox, Chase, Herding, Tennessee | Tags: | 1 Comment
April 2, 2012 by myeye
Anne’s (Holmes’ new mom’s) main blog is This Book is a Movie, but she has an entire section for the Cardis. You might add it to your blogroll (I just did). It is This morning she has posted photos of 11-week old baby Lira. That’s one cute puppy that we can look forward to seeing at Nationals. Holmes’ first trial is next Saturday — he’s at the beginning: Rally Novice and Beginner Novice, but seems to be loving the work.
Category Dog Friends, Holmes, Obedience, Puppies | Tags: | Comments Off on Redirect