a April 6th, 2012

  1. Community

    April 6, 2012 by myeye

    I live near a village that is south of Albuquerque.  On Good Friday hundreds of the residents make a pilgrimage to Tome (Toe-May) Hill which is south of the town.  The history of the walk is that the Penitentes made this pilgrimage as the beginning of the Easter weekend.  It is not the religious aspect that intrigues me, but the clear sense of community that surrounds it.  People of all ages trudge along regardless of the weather.  Today it is sunny and will be in the low 70 degree range.  Those who cannot walk, set up water stations along the way.  They aren’t vending, they are giving.

    I know I’ve whined a bit (maybe a great deal) about the length of the drive from my home to my office, but on Good Friday, when the community comes together, I am so glad I live down here.