Herding and The Easter Egg Hunt

April 9, 2012

Chase is doing some beautiful work out in the field.  Cheryl captured these moments yesterday.

The Outrun

Moving the sheep through the course

After herding on Easter, very good dogs get to have an Easter Egg Hunt.  The plastic eggs were filled with yummy dog treats.

I found one, I found one!

If only we had thumbs . . .


  1. DeAnn says:

    He looks so happy. The Easter Egg hunt looks like fun too. We did that in a “try it” class a few years ago. That was how they introduced tracking. LOL

  2. susan says:

    I LOVE the tongues on that last picture!

  3. Cheryl says:

    The look on their faces is priceless!

  4. Jill Rauh says:

    If they had thumbs we’d be in BIG trouble! Great herding photos!