There are piles by the front door. I’m going to take out the trash and put the can by the road for Monday’s pick up. I’ll turn on the dishwasher after I take a shower. The dogs know we’re off on an adventure. Old Inca isn’t all that excited, but Rango and Nola are jumping out of their skins. I cannot tell a lie — I’m pretty excited as well.
We’ll check in with reports on the blog each night and on Facebook as things happen. Please think good thoughts for this rag tag crew.
(Whoo Hoo — I’ll see Chase and Holmes on Monday!!!)
Have a safe trip and see you on Monday.
Safe travel wishes coming your way, Penni. Have a great time in Ohio.
Good thoughts for all!!!
Wishing you a safe and smooth journey!
I don’t know why I can’t comment on Lowri and Kearney’s blog, but WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
TM is clearly one dynamite trainer and handler. And she has a few good dogs to work with. 😉 😉 😉
Major congrats all around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂
Oh Lucky you! I’m hoping that with Nationals closer next year I can go. Best Wishes and a safe trip for you and the gang. Fingers crossed for all the Chase pups that they have a good show. Lastly, give Holmes a big hug for me, his long time admirer. Cheers Penni!!!