We’re getting serious here. Saturday morning the dogs and I will head up to Colorado Springs to Jessica Viera’s house. REALLY early Sunday morning, we will begin the journey to Huron Ohio to the Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Specialty Show. It’s 20 hours from Jess’s house.
Today I have some work things to finish — I’m heading out to the Detention Center in Estancia to see a client first thing this morning. When I get back to the office, I have a list (I know, I know — I always have a list). Late this afternoon, I will get my Grandpuppy Rango so he can drive to Ohio with us. I hope to take tomorrow off work so I can get all my “stuff” organized and in the car. I also need to do a last round of dog toe nails — THAT will not please Inca, Nola or Rango.
Chase will be herding this weekend — Susan and Cheryl are going to Huron tomorrow for the Saturday and Sunday trials. In addition to trying for his last Advanced Sheep leg, Chase is entered on Ducks. We’ll see if he likes them better now than he did last fall. We all hope Kearney gets his last point for his Dual Championship. Holmes and Anne will be trying to finish their Beginner Novice and Rally Novice titles.
It will be an exciting week with lots of nice dogs showing in a myriad of events, and lots of dog friends with whom to visit and catch up. There are usually vendors with cute Cardigan items.
So — beep! beep! We are off to finish chores. I’ll have the camera and plan to post here frequently.
Have a wonderful trip, a safe drive, and here’s hoping you need a semi to haul back all the awards that the bad dogs win. :o)
See you soon! Kiss my girls for me when you see them. No, you cannot steal Roxy!