The Weather and Interesting Tidbits for Nationals

April 4, 2012

Today the temperature is in the mid-60s and the sun is glorious. This is just New Mexico weather at its finest.  Yesterday we received nearly an inch of actual precipitation (that’s several inches of wet snow).  I could hear the weeds cheering as I went out to the car this morning.  The lilac blooms look frabjous!

About the Host Hotel at Nationals — be prepared:  The internet is by cable.  You will need to bring a cable or check one out from the front desk.  There is, apparently no additional charge for using it except for a deposit on the cable.  An alternate for those of you using tablets or wireless laptops is to bring a wireless router and an ethernet cable.  You can plug into the cable outlet and hook up your wireless router so your room has wireless internet available.  The second will be our choice (thanks to Tom Cannon who explained it to me in simple English).

Jess and I have begun the list of what we are bringing with us to Ohio.  She’s sure her van and small trailer will handle it all.  I think we need to rent a semi-tractor/trailer.  Eight Cardis going, seven coming home, equipment for two grooming areas, plus towels, dryers, etc. for two people who are flying in.  We will look like the Beverley Hill Billies for sure.  I am looking forward to this National, to seeing all the Chase kids compete in conformation, to having The Chaseman complete his Advanced Sheep Herding Title (fingers crossed) and then come home with me, to showing Inca in veterans and Inca and Nola in Brace, to seeing Holmes finish his RN and BN titles.  I love to visit with people that I only see at Nationals.  I plan to bring no work with me — at all, and don’t plan to answer legal questions — better call me before I arrive.

Two and a half weeks until I head to Colorado Springs on the first leg of the National trip!

1 Comment

  1. Taryn says:

    I am looking forward to meeting you in person, Penni! I promise not to ask any legal questions!