The Neighborhood Is Poorer Today

May 30, 2012

The well drilling company came out at about 11:00 yesterday and replaced the well pump/motor/control panel and we have water once again.  We definitely spent one of the longer weekends waiting for them.  With tax, the fix cost more than $3500.  Painful.  While the guys were down in the well, they discovered that one of our pressure tanks is beginning to leak.  It will need to be replaced within six to eight months for another $2200.  Egads!  We’ll be starting another kitty for the new tank.

I am going to go stand in the shower now — you’ll all be glad I did!


  1. Cheryl says:

    Major bummer!

  2. jean from NM says:

    Happy showering! Glad your water is back.

  3. Taryn says:

    LOL! P-U! Glad you’ve got shower water once again!