It’s Pretty Grand

June 25, 2012

Here is Chase’s “New Grand Champion” photo with Dr. Anselm at the Colorado Springs Show on June 10th.  Thank you Jessica Viera for putting up with the silly Chaseman for the weekend (as well as helping him earn two 5-point Grand Champion majors at Rio Grande and Coronado Kennel Clubs over Mothers Day weekend).


  1. Nancy Wirz says:

    Congratulations on all your well deserved success! That little Dove looks like a real charmer with just a hint of bad dog thrown in and Thumper, looks like a Thumper. Soo, tempting!

  2. Taryn says:

    Could that judge be any happier?! LOL! Congrats again on Chase’s GCH!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Chaseman looks awesome! Congratulations from daughter Dinah!

  4. Valerie says:

    Congratulations Penni and Chase!!

  5. Robin Mello says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Chase is lookin good

  6. Congratulations!!!

  7. jean from NM says:


  8. Susan says:

    I had fun filling out Lowri’s herding entries with all of Chase’s new titles 🙂 Congratulations on his GCH!