July, 2012

  1. It’s in Order

    July 29, 2012 by myeye

    The high school kids came to the office this morning and unloaded all the boxes.  They then went on to my house to weed, move the wood pile, shovel sand off the patio, burn last week’s weed pile (THAT was fun).  I stayed at the office and hung some art, found some documents that I will need for court tomorrow and for a trip to Estancia to visit clients on Tuesday.  This does NOT mean I’ve found everything yet — there are some files and my little plastic paperclip dispenser — but they will show up.  So, here is how it looks.

    walking in the door of my office

    the southeast corner, looking from behind my desk

    the northwest corner — cardi art

    work happens here

    Tomorrow after the hearing, I will be trying to find the rest of the files, doing some billing and feeling so good about my space.

  2. Before The Furniture Arrived

    July 29, 2012 by myeye

    It’s going to take a while to straighten the rug — it was rolled too long.   I love the colors and the feel.  More after the furniture is in place, there is a pad under the rug, and my friends have helped unload the books.  There are copper blinds on the window, but the sun is so strong in the afternoon, that the camera phone ducked the window detail.  Three walls are off-white and the baseboards are the slightly darker peach.  I’ll get a photo of the accent wall when I chronicle the transformation with furniture.

  3. No Words Needed

    July 27, 2012 by myeye

  4. Cherish (photo added)

    July 26, 2012 by myeye

    Yesterday my friend Susan (Shields) Long said goodbye to her sweet red boy Kearney (DC Bluefox’s Kearney).  She took him to the bridge because he was in so much pain from an aggressive brain tumor.  It was about a month from the time she realized he was not well until yesterday.  Kear would have been three years old on Sunday.  Although there are so many unanswered questions, this is not a time to ask, but rather it is time to turn to the dogs still with us and to let them know how much we appreciate them and the joy they share with us.  Dogs’ life spans are too short so when a dog, like Kearney, must go so early, it is terribly painful.  I will always remember Kearney moving his stock in his workmanlike manner, completely tuned to Susan’s requests.  I must believe (to stem the tears) that there are sheep and ducks over the Rainbow Bridge, and that Kearney already has them in good order.

    That’ll do, Kearney.  Good dog!

  5. You Go, Girls!

    July 24, 2012 by myeye

    Dog people keep track of all sorts of things.  There are magazines that will tell you which dogs were the top Cardigans in Novice Obedience.  There are also magazines that keep track of conformation wins.  We are celebrating Canine Chronicles’ report through June that in terms of other Cardigans defeated, Chase daughters Lowri (GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment PT) and Nikki (GCH Wellshire Absolut Magic) are numbers 8 and 10 in the United States.  Nikki is 27 months old and Lowri is only 19 months old.  How very cool is that?  Lowri’s mom is GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb and Nikki’s mother is Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb.

    Chase wants to know if that means he gets extra treats.  Probably . . .