Just Ask

July 9, 2012

My birthday was in mid-June — actually I was forced to share Fathers Day this year.  Lowri and Susan and Cheryl were going to the Western Carolina Dog Fanciers Association Shows in Waynesboro NC.  I asked them (imagine whiney voice), “Do you think, for my birthday, you and Lowri could get a Group Placement?”

By golly, that afternoon, Susan called to tell me that Lowri had earned her first Group Placement — a Group IV.  The moral to the story is if you don’t ask, you will not receive.

Note how svelte Cheryl looks!  Thanks for my present!


  1. Susan says:

    We try to please 🙂

  2. Cheryl says:

    Believe me, it was our pleasure!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a super present! 🙂

  4. Jill says:

    Or, “It pays to be whiny!” Congratulations!