a August 20th, 2012

  1. Sunday was Herding Day

    August 20, 2012 by myeye

    When you set the good camera on “Sport” Mode, you end up with literally hundreds of photos to review.  I have merely scratched the surface of those I took yesterday of the Chaseman with Ellen and the goats.  There were clouds when we started out and I didn’t notice when they left.  I am well and truly sunburned — aaargh!

    Here are Chase and Ellen and the goats from our herding spot up in Edgewood.  I am grateful to Robert for making his place available to our herding dogs — and Ellen rocks.  Thanks for taking our boy on.  He gets to work geese next.

    Coming around to get those goats

    Okay, Move it little guys!

    They’re all here

    Keep going

    Come on, guys.  Don’t stop here