a August 27th, 2012

  1. Quick Weekend Summary

    August 27, 2012 by myeye

    So I don’t get too far behind . . .

    The Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club Bulletin was mailed out on Wednesday and began appearing in mail boxes on Thursday.  Giant sigh of relief — as always . . .

    Lowri, with Susan and Cheryl, went to Atlanta for the dog shows on Saturday and Sunday.  Lowri was Best of Opposite Sex on Saturday and Best of Breed on Sunday.  She didn’t place in the regular group, but was 4th in the Owner/Handler Group.  Dinah was along for the ride and had a great time visiting vendors and meeting families that had come out to the shows.

    Nola was in Santa Rosa where she did nothing to cheer about.  She’s flying home tonight (YAY!!!) needing one 3-point major to finish her Championship.  I’m sure it will come — we just have other things to do.  She’ll be starting basic obedience within the next few weeks, will continue herding with Ellen, and, now that it is cooling down, will go tracking with me and Chase.

    In Vacaville, Chase/Phoebe son Watson earned his HT (Herding Tested) title this weekend.  I’m very proud of him and of his mom Alden for sticking in there while he caught on.  With Watson’s title, his dog mom Phoebe needs only one more title earned by one of her children to be awarded her Register of Merit Bronze.  Holmes is working on that.

    Chase, Inca and I have been watching the weather channel and worrying about all of our friends and family near the Gulf Coast.  Unfortunately it does not appear that the Republican National Convention will be washed away.