August, 2012

  1. Sunday was Herding Day

    August 20, 2012 by myeye

    When you set the good camera on “Sport” Mode, you end up with literally hundreds of photos to review.  I have merely scratched the surface of those I took yesterday of the Chaseman with Ellen and the goats.  There were clouds when we started out and I didn’t notice when they left.  I am well and truly sunburned — aaargh!

    Here are Chase and Ellen and the goats from our herding spot up in Edgewood.  I am grateful to Robert for making his place available to our herding dogs — and Ellen rocks.  Thanks for taking our boy on.  He gets to work geese next.

    Coming around to get those goats

    Okay, Move it little guys!

    They’re all here

    Keep going

    Come on, guys.  Don’t stop here

  2. That’s When We Lost Control

    August 13, 2012 by myeye

    Today was Chase’s first business day at the new office.  One of my office mates is a Bail Bondsman.  Today a family came in to post bail.  They had four children with them and those kids love dogs.  The next thing I knew, Chase was out of my office and romping down the hall with the kids.  He got himself completely wound up and began dashing in and out of offices to visit everyone.  He was so delighted to have children with whom to play . . .  I’m not sure he will be welcomed back.  Old Inca may have to be the only office dog because I know that Naughty Nola will behave exactly as Chase did.

    I love my Cardis!

  3. Saturday Report

    August 11, 2012 by myeye

    First, I must congratulate Cheryl Kienast and Chase/Keina daughter Dinah.  Baby Dinah went to a Puppy Match today.   Cheryl drove 160 miles each way so the baby could play show dog.  Indeed she did.  Little Dinah was BEST PUPPY IN MATCH over tough competition from all the Groups.  Great job!  Meanwhile, at the South Milwaukee show, Anne and Dory earned Dory’s first two Grand Champion points as she took Best of Breed.  Great day for two of my favorite people with their wonderful Cardigans.

    Some time ago, I told you that there was a Chase/Keina puppy available.  We thought she was placed, but things did not work out, so she is available still . . . again.  “Dove” is now 4-1/2 months old.  She is inquisitive, outgoing, and very cute.  She is housebroken and leash-trained.  She will be a wonderful pet, but would also make someone proud in obedience, rally, and tracking.  If you are interested, contact Kathy.  You may also complete the Puppy Application at the top of my Blog and I will forward it to her.


    August 10, 2012 by myeye

    Blogger blew up on me.  My Blog is on WordPress (thank goodness), but my Blogroll is on Blogger.  I tried to add a friend’s blog (LawyerChuck), and my entire blogroll disappeared.  You all may not know that I am a computer-Luddite.  My Blog and Chase’s website were built and are maintained by Carolyn Cannon.  She has no help at her job right now and is pretty overwhelmed.  I felt very guilty telling her that my Blogroll had disappeared and I could not keep track of my friends.  Somehow she found/made the time to figure out what I had done (I know I did something) to cause Blogger to freak out.

    My Blogroll is back this afternoon — Oh, thank you, Carolyn.  To my Blogroll:  I don’t know where you’ve been, but I hope you had a great time.

  5. Smooch’s HT Run From Saturday

    August 7, 2012 by myeye

    YouTube was fighting with us, but I think we finally have it conquered.  Here is the video of our Smoochie earning the first leg of her HT.  She’s entered over Labor Day to try for her second leg.  GO, SMOOCHIE!!!  Good job, DeAnn.