a September 3rd, 2012

  1. Labor Day — At Least For Chase

    September 3, 2012 by myeye

    Chase and I went up to the mountains this morning to herd.  Ellen is working on inside flanks which was a little confusing.  Chase is always ready to learn so it was fun.  A little wind, a little sunburn, but it was fun.

    Big Outrun

    Alright guys — move it

    Always right there

    WAIT!  Why is that other Cardi herding?

    But the sheep are calling ME!

    Time to put the stock away

    Go to the pasture

    The herd on its way to the pasture

    That’ll do, Chase.  Thanks for a great morning, Ellen.

  2. More Herding News

    September 3, 2012 by myeye

    Lowri, Susan and Cheryl successfully finished up at the herding trials at Hazel, KY yesterday.  Lowri earned the third leg for he Started B-Course Ducks.  She is, of course, head over heels with her assortment of letters.  We’re very proud of our GCH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd.  Great job everyone!  During the next few months, she has some conformation events to attend so will not be back at the herding trials until the very end of the year.   At the December 30-31 trials, Baby Dinah will be testing for her first herding letters.  Finally (for this post) happy birthday yesterday, Cheryl!

    This morning Chase and I are off to the mountains to move those sheep and goats around.  Chase is entered in the Arizona Herding Association trials On October 13-14.  We’ll post photographs later today.