In today’s mail: A certificate and pin from AKC announcing that I have been designated a Breeder of Merit. It is only right to acknowledge that this would never have come my way if Carolyn Cannon had not entrusted me with the Chaseman, and then co-leased Phoebe with me for a litter, and then co-leased/co-bred Leidy’s litter with me. Just delivering pretty, healthy puppies is not the whole story — next there are the people who took over the care and custody of the puppies from these two litters. In addition to loving the stuffings out of them, they tested, trained, and showed. I think the award belongs to Carolyn, and Alden, and DeAnn, and Anne. Thank you to each of my friends that has done so much with the puppy you took home. Big wide smile though:>D
a October 25th, 2012
This Is Humbling
October 25, 2012 by myeye
Category Agility, C-Myste, Chase, Conformation, Cool Stuff, Dog Friends, Herding, Holmes, Nola, Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Watson | Tags: | 8 Comments
Another Wednesday Gone By
October 25, 2012 by myeye
Yesterday morning — before I even got to the office — I voted and I changed my mailing address with the County Assessor and with the County Treasurer. It felt as if I had completed enough important chores that I would be excused for the balance of the day. Sigh! However, I have a client whose identity has been stolen. We have good reason to believe the personal information cane out of a Court file. I spent an hour in the Clerk’s office reviewing the public records log. Each time someone views a Court file, he/she must show id and the user’s name, the date, and the File Number for the case are logged. The only person to check out either of my client’s files was a newspaper reporter. On September 6th he wrote a story about the case. Within two days, 50 applications for credit were made to various banks and credit organizations. The applicant(s) had the client’s social security number, date of birth, home address, telephone number. One card was approved before my client put the stop on the applications and a local veterinary hospital was tagged for nearly $2000. Of course, the news article did not include all the personal identifiers, but apparently the article spurred someone to obtain the information. The vet clinic has identified the woman using the card and made a police report yesterday. It is a mess!
Last night Nola and I drove into Albuquerque to our dog club. Nola reacts as do all the dogs when we turn onto San Pedro. She was bouncing and yelping with glee because our dog club is the social place. They are so funny! Nola worked through her first night of Basic Novice obedience training. Cute red girl had a good class! She is happy working (and scarfing up treats). I was pleased with her since she has had no obedience training since she was a STAR puppy at 5 months old — unless you count standing very still and smiling at her handler.
Today I’m driving over the mountains to see clients at the Estancia jail. Tonight Chase and I will go to the Club for Agility class. Tomorrow I will drive north to see clients at the Santa Fe County Detention Center. This weekend we will clean house — and practice agility because Chase is entered in trials on November 2, 3, and 4 right here in Valencia County. If all goes well, he will be sporting new letters after that weekend.
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