February, 2013

  1. Que tal, CHIC-a?

    February 25, 2013 by myeye

    Our Nola is now a CHIC-a.  Her certificate from the Canine Health Information Center arrived today.  The little red girl is OFA Fair for hips, elbows Normal, PRA tested normal, CERF normal, DM Normal, EE.  She does carry the fluff gene.

  2. Whoo Hoo — Snow Day

    February 21, 2013 by myeye

    The weather dude, who is notoriously wrong 98% of the time, predicted snow last night.  When I went to bed at 10:30 we had no snow — just a little wind.  At 5:30 this morning the dogs thought it was time to get up.  I un-crated the girls and lifted Chase off the bed.  They flew out the dog door, activated the motion sensor light in back and WOW!  Undoubtedly the scene was pristine for 12 seconds or so.  However, the dogs were delighted and have rolled and wrestled since they got out.  We also really need the moisture.

    So, all the schools and State Courts are delayed.  My road trip to Grants is canceled.  What shall I make of today?

  3. Four Days in Denver and Upcoming

    February 20, 2013 by myeye

    Chase and Nola went to Denver last weekend for four days of dog shows.  Chase was there because he is going to the National Specialty and needed a refresher course on being a show dog.  His last conformation outing was in June.  Of course, he thought he was there to meet girls.  Poor Jess — she had her work cut out.  On Sunday, he managed a Best Opposite Sex to the lovely Libby.  The other three days he was unceremoniously dumped.  However, rumor has it that he had a splendid time.  Naughty Nola won the open class each of the first three days and on Saturday was Winners Bitch.  Unfortunately, she was not awarded Best of Winners so received only two points.  She needs a three-point major for her championship and the major was only in dogs.  Because the major in dogs did not hold on Monday, Nola did not show at all.  She did, however, entertain.  Now Chase will get back to herding and Nola to her agility class.

    Saturday and Sunday in Greenville SC, Lowri was Best of Breed both days, earned her Bronze level Grand Championship, and, on Sunday took a Group IV.  Lowri is always handled by co-owner Cheryl Kienast while our other co-owner, Susan Long, stands outside the ring and sweats bullets.  Lowri is in season and this weekend will be bred to GCH Twinroc Santa Paws (“Dickens”).  That litter will be due in late April or on May 1 — personally, I think a May day litter would be splendid.  Here’s how she looked this weekend.

    On the home front, Dory is showing early signs of pregnancy.  She should be just over four weeks along.  In a week, she’ll be losing her waist.  She is very sweet and lovey though, and we have pert pink nipples announcing impending motherhood.

    Because the puppies are due on March 25th, I will not be attending the National Specialty, however, Tom and Carolyn Cannon are going to swing by Los Lunas before they head to Tucson.  They will likely be here when Dory gives us puppies which will be very cool.  Kathleen McCombs will spend a night here on her way to Tucson as well.  It will be great to have a visit!  I am so far off the beaten path that my big social event is usually going to Court.  (How sad is that?)  So, I am excited about having company.  It also means that I will clean the house which is a REALLY big deal.

  4. Nola OFA Report Hips and Elbows

    February 15, 2013 by myeye

    Remember this x-ray?

    Well, OFA says they are only FAIR.  Go figure!  However, that said, I will take a Fair — beats the heck out of a dysplastic rating.  Her elbows are quite normal.

    Nola is due in season in April and will be bred to that handsome boy “Heath” (CH Pluperfect Merrymoon Practical Magic).  It will be an all brindle litter — possibility of some fluffs, but what is a little hair among friends?


  5. Sundays Are Herding Days

    February 10, 2013 by myeye

    Chase and Nola and I met Ellen up in Edgewood this morning.  The wind was brisk (understatement).  Chase started out with three little brown goats and two sheep in his flock (Video 1).  The goats were completely uncooperative so Ellen put them away and added more sheep (video 2).  I love to watch the boy work even in gale winds.  The video is a little shakey due to the gusts.