We’re down to a couple of weekends before the National Specialty Herding Trials. Chase knows what he knows. If he keeps his brain with him, he can certainly qualify in Advanced Sheep. We haven’t done as much duck work, but are still hopeful that he will pick up a couple of duck legs. Yesterday was cloudy, slight wind, pleasant temperature. Chase had to be reminded that a “good” herding dog makes a wide outrun on his lift and fetch. Some days he tries the shortest route. Tsk! Tsk!
Start at the cone
Coming at me on the outrun
Speed thrills
The lift: easy does it
The fetch
See you in the future if not in the pasture:)
In Dory news: She is a black mound in the middle of the kitchen floor. Poor Dorito is so big. She doesn’t want to race around the yard or leap into my lap — though she likes to be in my lap, spilling over onto the couch. She’s moved into the whelping room where she can build a nest and go out into her private dog yard. We’ll x-ray next Saturday and get a pretty good puppy count. I am so very excited!
In show news: Yesterday in Louisville (Evansville Kennel Club) the pretty Chase/Scout daughter “Ginger” (CH Mockingbird Wyncrest’s I Believe in Magic) was Best of Breed (over 9 other Champions) for a 5-point Grand Champion Major. She was beautifully handled by her owner Kathy Metcalfe. Congratulations to them both — and to Scout’s owner/litter breeder Janet Suber. Ginger’s mom was Select to her daughter. I’d say it was a very good day!