This is a short post because it hurts so much to write it. Last night we lost Emir. I don’t expect to lose a 10-day old, 20 oz. puppy, but it happened. He apparently suffered a trauma — perhaps his mom stepped on him. It resulted in a clot which blocked his ability to urinate. He lost 4 ounces in a 24-hour period and his tummy became extended. I took him to my vet — he spent all day there where they drew 30 ml of urine out of his bladder. I rented an oxygen machine (plan to purchase a used one before Nola’s litter is due) and picked him up. We were trying to stabilize him for surgery. I brought him home and allowed him to try to nurse. His little heart stopped beating and he was gone.
My pretty red boy puppy is gone. That’s all I can write.