Another morning with Kevin and Tricia

May 12, 2013

The baybeez and I went to Kevin and Tricia’s house.  They have GRASS!  When you live up on the mesa, you learn to really appreciate a patch of the green stuff.  Kevin took a gazillion photos which will take me forever to go through, but here are two that made me smile.  If you are in the central New Mexico area and want some splendid photos, call Kevin’s Photography.

Here I come 5-12-13Woo Hoo!

Pretty face 5-12-13 blogPretty Puppy Face


  1. Cheryl says:

    So adorable! You need to identify the puppies for me. That bottom one is lovely. The first one is a chip off the old block!

  2. Geraldine Rivera says:

    What beauties and such personality. They are just adorable!

  3. Betty says:

    Both are so cute! I really love the top one-it looks so much like what Tommy did as a baby! I miss those days so much!

  4. Margaret Williams says:

    How did Kevin get that great shot of the puppy running? Awesome!