Wednesday Morning – Copper and Dad

May 22, 2013

Copper (Hillary) is wild, and wild about Daddy Chase.  This makes my morning smile.


  1. Betty says:

    Chase really loves that antler and his babies! I let Tommy watch the video and he barked the whole time. I guess he was telling me that he wants his own baby pup or maybe he misses his dad!

  2. Cindy Forbes says:

    Oh Penni, I have so enjoyed watching all of the wonderful video and photos of your beautiful litter of delightful Cardi’s. Thank you so very much for taking the time to share this experience with us out here in the web-o-sphere!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Too CUTE! Look at her run laps!

  4. Taryn says:

    I love how sweet Chase is with his babies! My guys would not find a puppy at all amusing!

  5. Margaret Williams says:

    I can’t believe how good Chase is with his babies! Copper running laps had my co-workers in hysterics!