Just a quick update before I drive into town for court hearings. The three Heathens are doing well. Jessica and Brian are on 24-hour watch and Lexi is feeding and cleaning the babies as if they were her own — such a good girl. All three have gained some weight and are filling in. Even Newman, who was a very scrawny puppy has a little meat on those bones. Jess posts frequent photos on FB and has a puppycam. Sign in through FaceBook if you want to check them out.
I am so grateful to Jessica and Brian Viera who are caring for them, Jeri Lami and Karen Lyons — Jeri leased Lexi (big puppies on the puppycam are Lexi’s own 2-week old babies) and Karen owns Lexi and agreed that if Lexi liked the puppies she could mother them.
Nola is healing from her C-Section. She doesn’t seem to miss the puppies. Chase, on the other hand is very concerned that they are gone. Several times a day he goes into the whelping room and then comes to find me. He wants to know what happened to the baybeez. (He doesn’t remember that I passed them over to Lexi at a Conoco station in Wagon Mound New Mexico.)
The baybeez should be home the weekend after Independence Day (July 7th or so), and my puppycam will be back up, Chase will take over the education of the babies, and our world will be somewhat back to normal.
Rascal-the-Cat is here. I’ve not seen him since I put him in the spare rooms/bath, but he used the litter box so I know he’s in there. Chase is waiting for him to come out to play. I have a cat tree for him. When I get home today, I will try to drag it out of the car and into the house — that’s one heavy piece of furniture. Rascal is a dark, lanky boy with raccoon rings on his tail — he may just be one of those rare ringtail Cardigans.