A Little Fun

June 29, 2013

There wasn’t room for a color ad for us in the Summer Bulletin so I decided I would have some fun with a black and white ad for Chase.  His fun meter shows a precise tie between herding and agility.  We’ll run his color High in Trial herding ad in the Fall Performance Issue and this little black and white number in the upcoming issue.  Go, Chaseman!

Agility Ad Summer 2013


  1. Cheryl Kienast says:

    That wonderful spirit is what I love most about this dog! And he passes it on to his kids!

  2. Terry Sattler says:

    You definitely portrayed the Fun Factor. Very nice. My favorite part is “owned and loved by.” So nice!

  3. DeAnn says:

    Happy, happy boy! His daughter is the same way! Love it!