Augie Meets the Ducks

June 1, 2013

Margaret sent me this video of Augie’s first time on ducks.  I think it’s lucky that Margaret’s ducks are resilient.  It’s fun to watch the baby (10 weeks old) show sustained interest and some herding talent.  Enjoy!


The Puppycam is back up — now featuring Nola doing (basically) nothing.  Her five puppies are due on Thursday.


  1. Margaret Williams says:

    No ducks were harmed in the making of this video. Not even a feather was lost. I just wanted to interfer as little as possible to see what would happen. :). Thank you Penni for Augie!

  2. Taryn says:

    That made me laugh! First, the sustained interest was amazing, but a couple of those tackles were too funny. A lot of enthusiasm from Augie!

  3. Susan says:

    Mom! I caughted one! Come quick so we can eats it!!!

  4. Susan says:

    What a NICE puppy!

  5. Margaret says:

    Susan – you comment on “Mom I caughted one!” Made me spew Diet Coke on my computer monitor! That is exactly what he was thinking!