The baybeez had a great time playing with Copper. We did get a few presentable photos, but mostly they ran in the grass, hauled toys around, and held puppy wars.
July 29, 2013 by myeye
The baybeez had a great time playing with Copper. We did get a few presentable photos, but mostly they ran in the grass, hauled toys around, and held puppy wars.
Category Heath, Nola, Puppies | Tags: | 2 Comments
July 29, 2013 by myeye
The puppies and I visited Kevin and Tricia today. Kevin hauled out his magic camera and we took photos. I will do a separate post for the babies. So, here is Copper!
I am so very smitten by this little red girl — love her to pieces — even though she is as naughty as her older half sister Nola.
Category Agility, Conformation, Copper, Dog Friends | Tags: | 5 Comments