Yesterday afternoon, our Nola flew to San Francisco to meet her new person. Elfie Payne met her at the airport and took her home. Nola spread out on the couch and announced it was good. I will miss her so much. She was born at my house, raised at my house, loved at my house. The question I was required to ask is: “WHAT IS BEST FOR NOLA?” Nola is a happy, social girl. She is very smart. I think she deserved her own person. deserved to be the queen, deserved to be challenged — to have a job. That is what Elfie has promised the pretty red girl. In the beginning, she will be getting used to Elfie’s routine, her favorite places, the rules of the house. Shortly she will begin seriously training. Since Nola needs only a major to finish her Championship, you may see her at an occasional conformation event, but the real emphasis will be on obedience, maybe some agility, maybe some herding. Nola will love it. Elfie will find that Nola’s smile is infectious. I think this change will result in two very happy beings.
I will miss the red girl so much. My house seems quiet with only Great Gramma Inca and Grampa Chase wandering around. The Heathens are almost six weeks old and are very cute at this stage. I’m enjoying their antics — but no Nola is hard. Love you little girl! Enjoy your new adventure.
Looking at her she reminds me of my Jazz and how difficult it must have been for her previous “person” to let her go at 18 mos. (she’s now over 8 yrs. old). While Jazz doesn’t participate any longer in competition, she is happy, calm and loving our new granddaughter. Thank you, Penni, for pointing us in her direction. Bill and I wouldn’t be able to imagine our lives without her.
Nola is adorable, and it is so good and kind of you to make her a part of her very own partnership with Effie. I’m sure they will have a lovely time together.