Puppies — We’ve Got Puppies

July 29, 2013

The baybeez had a great time playing with Copper.  We did get a few presentable photos, but mostly they ran in the grass, hauled toys around, and held puppy wars.



Kimber Judge Side 7-29-13 blog

Kimber Front 7-29-13 blog


Lily Judge Side 7-29-13 blog

Lily Front 7-29-13 blog


Newman Judge Side 7-29-13 blog

Newman front 7-29-13 blog


  1. Cheryl Kienast says:

    Newman is just absolutely adorable! I see nothing not to like about Kimber as well! Lovely topline pretty head, nice sweep of stifle.

  2. jean from NM says:

    Terrific! Wonderful! Awesome!