Watson Handles The Sheep

July 4, 2013

Watson is Holmes’ brother (bet you didn’t see that coming).  The two boys comprised my first Cardigan litter.  They were born on September 19, 2009.  Watson lives with Alden Murray and children out in the Napa Valley.  He’s a happy, sweet boy.  Watson needed a job so Alden took him to Debbie Pollard’s ranch to learn to herd.  Last Fall he earned his HT and today, he earned his PT — two runs in one day, in 103 degree weather — and he did it.  We are so proud of Chase’s first two children, and the beautiful Phoebe’s last children.  Here is a photo of Watson admiring his green rosettes — we’re admiring them as well.  GOOD DOG!

Watson PT blog

1 Comment

  1. Cheryl says:

    That is spectacular! Wonderful Watson!