We Have Duck On Sunday

July 21, 2013

This morning Chase and I joined Ellen Gerwin and Shella Barclay with their Pems (and Banjo the Cardi) in Edgewood for a morning of herding.  Although we began shortly after 8:00, it quickly became very warm (read: hot).  I am sunburned and Chase needed a long nap, but we had a great herding morning.

Trotting 1 7-21-13





In other news:

Naughty Nola is happily living on Elfie Payne’s couch in California.  She loves being the queen bee.  Elfie and Nola will begin serious training in another week or so, but Nola is already understanding that Elfie expects her to pay attention — “Say What?”  I think it will be a wonderful home for our red girl.

The Heathens are growing like weeds, but will get a separate post with photos of their cute little faces.


  1. Cheryl says:

    Awesome pictures of the Chaseman doing a fine job with the duckies!

  2. Terry Sattler says:

    Nice to see the photos of Chase. He’s so handsome! I’ve missed him.