Puppy Morning

August 20, 2013

A little rain, a few puddles, cool temperature = happy puppies.  More photos later.

Newmie-Kimber-Ball 8-20-13 blogIt’s Newman with Kimber (Story) and a BALL!  Kimber’s ears aren’t up — just an action shot!


  1. Margaret says:

    Oh! How fun! Have you seen the “talking ball?” It talks when the dog touches it – I haven’t bought one yet… 🙂

  2. BuilderMama says:

    So cute! I just adore these puppies. Big soft spot for Newmie, though. He reminds me so much of Uncle Nick. 😉

  3. jean from NM says:


  4. Valerie says:

    The expression from Mr. Newmie says it all!!! I’m the cutest and therefore the ball is mine!