Our Lowri (HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd) last night presented us with six puppies — 3 brindle boys, 2 brindle girls and 1 red girl. Birth weights ranged from 8.5 to 11.9. She popped them out in less than two hours. They are healthy, strong little baybeez. Lowri was bred to Dickens (BIS BISS GCh Twinroc Santa Paws). We are excited to watch these babies grow. Lowri is being a great first-time mom. Wahoo!
a October 19th, 2013
Puppies, We Have Puppies
October 19, 2013 by myeye
Category Dog Friends, Lowri, Other Places, Puppies | Tags: | 4 Comments