Just a Couple of Days

October 11, 2013

Yesterday was day One of the four Los Lunas show cluster.  Weather-wise, it was a pretty awful start to our annual event.  We had 50 mph wind gusts.  Tops were removed from pop-ups, trash can blew over, ribbons were showing up in odd places.  Just as it was time for Cardigans to go into the ring, the rain started.  The rain was sideways and cold.  As is so often the case here, Chase was the only brindle and Copper was the only red.  The other entries were tris.  Chase was select, Banjo was Best of Opposite Sex and the Winners Bitch was Best of Breed.  She was the only entry that looked like she was glad to be there.  I don’t know if any of the people looked happy.  Miserable show weather.

Today — well, it’s New Mexico — the winds are gone, the rain has moved on and it is supposed to be gorgeous.  Thank goodness.

Last night I went into Albuquerque to watch Granddaughter Adrienne play in the Parochial League Volleyball tournament.  They won on Wednesday, but did not fare that well last night.  So, their season is over.  Adrienne informed us that now she would like to try basketball.  I hope she loves it — I have a dream of seeing her as a Lady Lobo.  She’d look great in cherry and silver.

10:00 ring time so we are off to the races!   Maybe today we’ll get the pop-up erected and add crates for the dog, some Aluminet panels, chairs, an x-pen . . .