December, 2013

  1. Fast Track On a Sunny Day

    December 22, 2013 by myeye

    It’s winter.  That became official yesterday.  Today New Mexico thumbed its nose at the season — wonderful sun, blue skies, sweatshirt weather.  Chase and his little granddaughters made good use of the back yard.  Enjoy!

    Can we run some more 12-22-13 Catching Grampa Chase 12-22-13 Chase luring puppies 12-222-13 Cmon puppies 12-22-13Flutter - intent on catching Grampa 12-22-13 Flutter Bringing Up the Rear 12-22-13 Quick turn 12-22-13 We are speedy 12-22-13 What is it Grampa 12-22-13

    We hope you had fun at your house as well!

    By the way, Rascal the Cat did the tunnel and the teeter, but I didn’t grab the camera in time.  He is heavy enough to tip the teeter.  Whoo hoo — Agility Cat!

  2. This Dog Just Wants To Have Fun

    December 22, 2013 by myeye

    Here are photos of the Sangre de Cristo Kennel Club Agility Trial on December 7th.  Chase and his friend Doranna Durgin  finished his Open Jumpers Title that day.  Evelyn Vinogradov was there with her camera.  Here are some of her splendid shots.

    FlyingGather Finish lineClean jump

  3. Where There Is Love

    December 21, 2013 by myeye

    I am so proud of my State.  New Mexico never passed a ban on gay marriage.  The language in our statutes was gender neutral.  A few months ago, a County Clerk in Dona Ana County began issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples because, in his opinion, there was no effective bar to such unions.  A few other clerks followed suit.  Then they all got together and the County Clerks filed a suit directly to the New Mexico Supreme Court asking the Court to clarify for everyone whether the gender-neutral language of the New Mexico Statute permitted them to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.  Many, many organizations jumped in to write briefs pro and con.  There was extensive oral argument.

    On Thursday, December 19th, our Court ruled that marriage is a union between two human beings to the exclusion of all others.  The sexes of the pair were irrelevant to the legality of the marriage.  It was a fairness ruling, it was an equal protection ruling, it was the right thing to do.

    Yesterday, a Federal Judge in Utah overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, and on the same grounds.

    At a time when our country is so divided, when there is such blatant hatred of others, these two rulings are beacons.  These were rulings that uphold love and commitment, in the face of prejudice.  Justice should never be subject to popular vote or to public opinion.  I am so happy that anyone who loves another may join him/her in marriage until death do them part.

    Where there is love, there is still hope.

  4. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season

    December 20, 2013 by myeye

    From the Baddogs at Elyan and from me, we wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

    For 2014:  good health, good fortune, love — both human and canine.


  5. Straight No Chaser – 12 Days of Christmas (Original)

    December 12, 2013 by myeye

    Vicki over on “I Need Orange” posted Straight No Chaser’s Dreaming of a White Christmas — which is very cool.  That reminded me of how much I LOVE their version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.  So here it is.  Smile!