Spring Agility (Video Added)

March 17, 2014

Friday it was cold, but not much wind, Saturday there was pea soup fog and then the bitter wind blew, Sunday was sunny and warm.  That is how the weather looks for an early spring agility trial weekend.  Chase’s runs were in tune with the weather –cold, really off, and nice scattered across the three days.  He did manage an Excellent Jumpers Qualifying run on Sunday which gives him 2 Excellent JWW legs.  He had a splendid Standard run on Saturday, but knocked the bar on a double jump.  Then there was the Start jump to an off-course, being carried off the jumpers course when he took a stand in the middle of the weaves to bark at Doranna, and a drive-by on the teeter.  It’s as if I brought three different dogs with me.  He is exhibiting better skills — and he loves tricky courses.  Evelyn Vinogradov was photographing at the trial and I hope caught some great Chase moments.  If she did, they will be posted.  There are videos which you may want to watch through a buttonhole because Chase was so bad some of the time.

The highlight of Chase’s weekend was meeting a lovely couple from Santa Fe that is looking for a Cardigan.  On Saturday Richard met us at the trial and Chase did his over-the-top meet and greet.  Sunday morning Richard called and asked if he and his wife could come visit again.  That is always fine with us.  Chase loved Cheryl.  He cleaned her face and leaned up against her.  Richard took photos.

Cheryl Hoagland and Chase 3-16-14

Now, to find them a nice Cardi!

1 Comment

  1. Terry says:

    Chase is just the best Cardigan ambassador! Hope your new friends have a Cardi in their home soon.