Four Show Days with CWCCA Supported Entries

October 23, 2014

We survived rain on Thursday and wind on Sunday.  The majors held all four days (4-pointers for bitches on Thursday/Friday and 5 pointers for bitches  on Saturday/Sunday).  We had three days of Obedience/Rally, a pizza/salad lunch and educational program on the current Cardigan health survey.  Our dogs did well.

Copper and Kevin Dooley earned a Companion Dog title with qualifying scores three days in a row.  Copper was also high scoring Cardigan all three days.  Don’t they look happy in this photo?  Copper is a Chase daughter.  Her litter sister Addie won the 5-point major on Saturday.

CD Award 10-12-14 med res

Salsa had a good cluster as well.  On Saturday she was Best in Sweepstakes under Judge Jeri Lamy.  This is only her second time shown — first time was in April at the National Specialty.  She was beautifully handled by our friend Kim Raleigh.

Salsa Sweeps - 10-11-14 blog

 On Sunday, under Judge Carol Moser-White, Salsa was Reserve Winners Bitch to the 5-point major.  I was very proud of my happy little Chase Granddaughter.

Salsa - RWB - 10-12-14 blog

Finally, Chase made an appearance — his last before he turned 7 on October 17th.  On Thursday he was Best of Breed, on Friday, he was Best of Opposite Sex, on Saturday, he was Select Dog, and on Sunday he was Best of Opposite Sex.  He loves to get out and show!  Yes, it was a bit windy!

B0B-BOS-SD-BOS-10-9-12-2014 blog 


  1. Errol says:

    A weekend to be proud of. CONGRATS!

  2. Margaret says:

    What a weekend! Hip! Hip! Hooray!