Tuli trots around with Chase in the evenings. They enjoy each others’ company so much. Last night they started a wrestling match — AND I could reach my good camera. Tuli will be 12 weeks old tomorrow — cute little freckled-face girl!
February, 2015
Chase and Tuli – Wrestling
February 11, 2015 by myeye
Category Chase, Chuckles, Home, Tuli | Tags: | 3 Comments
Herding — on a gorgeous day
February 9, 2015 by myeye
February 8th and it was a “Spring Day.” We all expect winter to return — to finish out its time, but for these few days, it was beautiful outside. Chase and I went up to Algodones (north of Albuquerque, right next to Indian land). We met friends at Dr. Barb’s home and the herding dogs took herding lessons. Chase worked well. I’m sure he appreciated the grassy fields and the mild weather. As always, thanks to Ellen Gerwin for piloting our boy. There were also goats to herd. They were generally uncooperative and Chase had to school them — he LOVES that!
We started out with five ducks, but had a pair that needed to be collected regularly
There they are. Together again!
Category Chase, Dog Friends, Herding | Tags: | 2 Comments
Chase/Daisy Puppies 7-1/2 Weeks Old
February 7, 2015 by myeye
The puppies were too hungry. We wanted them to be really interested in little bits of deli meat so they would stack and reach for the food. I waited just a little too far past lunch time. Many thanks to Kathy and Jean who once again came up to the house to help photograph the baybeez. I hope Kathy’s fingers heal by next weekend. Jean was the camera woman — great job!
I am very happy with these sweet puppies. Today was a romp outside (65 degrees) so their whites could definitely be whiter. BUT they are little kids so get to play outside when it’s nice.
Sabin (now Sherlock)
Terra (now Lacey)
Category Chase, Daisy, Dog Friends, Photography, Puppies | Tags: | 4 Comments
Decisions . . . decisions
February 2, 2015 by myeye
I have made two decisions about the puppies. I am going to keep Terra (sharing her with my friend Pam Day). Her name will be Elyan White Lace and Promises. We will call her Lacey. Sabin will be living in Mesilla Park, New Mexico. He will learn to be a tracking dog — don’t know yet with what name he will be blessed. The rest of the crew will require some more thought . . .
Category Chase, Daisy, Dog Friends, Other Places, Puppies, Tracking | Tags: | 3 Comments
Tuli and the Chase/Daisy Baybees
February 1, 2015 by myeye
Tuli landed at the airport last night. She is 10-1/2 weeks old. She is a delightful spirit that I am so happy to own. Tuli is a Lowri/Kevin daughter which makes her a Chase granddaughter/great granddaughter.This was the only shot we took of her — it gives you the idea of how she is built
The Chase/Daisy Baybeez are 6-1/2 weeks old. This week they were a little more comfortable being manhandled. Many thanks to Kathy Sanchez whose fingers are a puppy delicacy and to Jean Sanchez who had her first try at using the SLR camera. I think we’ll use a tripod next weekend.
Category Chase, Daisy, Dog Friends, Lowri, Photography, Tuli | Tags: | 1 Comment