Herding — on a gorgeous day

February 9, 2015

February 8th and it was a “Spring Day.”  We all expect winter to return — to finish out its time, but for these few days, it was beautiful outside.  Chase and I went up to Algodones (north of Albuquerque, right next to Indian land).  We met friends at Dr. Barb’s home and the herding dogs took herding lessons.  Chase worked well.  I’m sure he appreciated the grassy fields and the mild weather.  As always, thanks to Ellen Gerwin for piloting our boy.  There were also goats to herd.  They were generally uncooperative and Chase had to school them — he LOVES that!

Away out 2-8-15Away, Out!

Chase - 3 ducks 2-8-15We started out with five ducks, but had a pair that needed to be collected regularly

Chase still 5 ducks 2-8-15There they are.  Together again!

Walk up 2-8-15Okay, Chase.  Walk up.


  1. Terry says:

    Sounds like a great way to spend a sunny day. Chase is obviously having so much fun!

  2. Hi Chase
    Looks like you did a great job keeping those ducks together 🙂 Milo & Jet