Last weekend, Jessica Viera showed Flutter (Bluefox Elyan Mariposa) at shows in Anchorage. On Saturday, Flutter was Winners Bitch/Best of Winners for her third Major and a completed Championship. The judge was Robert Vandiver. Flutter is seventeen months old. On Sunday, Jess moved Flutter up to the Champion class for Best of Breed and Judge Margaret Jones awarded her Best of Breed over three other champions. In the Herding Group Judge Jones gave her a Group III — I think/hope the first of many Group awards for this pretty girl.
I can’t say enough good things about Flutter’s “other mother” and primo handler Jessica Viera. She does such a lovely job of exhibiting her (and of washing off the mud). Our little girl is definitely a pig-dog!
Flutter’s Championship/Group Placement completed the requirements for her mother Lowri’s Register of Merit Bronze award. Flutter is the fourth champion in Lowri’s litter by GCh Twinroc Santa Paws ROMg “Dickens”. A fifth puppy, Peyton needs only a 3-point major to complete his Championship. We have been on a wild ride with this group of puppies — and have we ever enjoyed it. Here is Flutter’s “new champion” photo — she cleans up well.
And the Group III
COngrats all around! Woohoooo!
Good for Flutter! Gotta love those Dickens’ kids! 😉