Gearing Up For A Herding Trial

July 12, 2015

Today we went to Dr. Barb’s to further polish our herding dogs.  It is so green that it hurts my eyes!  Chase is working well.  He has reached the point at which he understands silence and the bubble and pressure.  His daughter Addie will be trying her paw at Pre-Trial Tested in Colorado next month.  I was very proud of her work — she loves herding.  Ellen has both of these dogs aiming to peak at the right time.  So, photos:


Chase Driving in the Big Field 7-12-15Chase Driving in the Big Field

Ellen in the Middle 7-12-15Respect your Handler

Turning the stock 7-12-15Turning the Stock


Addie pushing goats 7-12-15Pushing those goats

Addie turning goats 7-12-15Turn right

Straighten them out 7-12-15Get them going straight again