‘Chuckles’ Category

  1. Saturday Scrambles

    August 26, 2013 by myeye

    The baybeez turned 11 weeks old on Friday.  They are wild and wooly.  They are lucky to have a Grampa who thinks that’s great fun.  I bought them a wading pool so they jumped in and got wet, then rolled one another in the dirt.  Very dirty babies.

    Chace and Grandpuppies 8-24-13

    Newmie Neath the Chais 8-14-13

    Places to go-things to do 8-24-13

    Watching Puppies 8-24-13

    Just a taste of the everyday.  I love puppies!

  2. Puppy Morning

    August 20, 2013 by myeye

    A little rain, a few puddles, cool temperature = happy puppies.  More photos later.

    Newmie-Kimber-Ball 8-20-13 blogIt’s Newman with Kimber (Story) and a BALL!  Kimber’s ears aren’t up — just an action shot!

  3. Rascal’s Desk Chair?

    August 5, 2013 by myeye

    Cats seem to take over.


    He says it’s mine — so I’ll just do something else until he moves on.

  4. Mooney and the Motorized Toy

    July 1, 2013 by myeye

    Mooney (fka Dally) makes her family laugh.  She’s sweet and bright.  Here is a short video of the puppy with something she’s never before seen.

  5. A Little Fun

    June 29, 2013 by myeye

    There wasn’t room for a color ad for us in the Summer Bulletin so I decided I would have some fun with a black and white ad for Chase.  His fun meter shows a precise tie between herding and agility.  We’ll run his color High in Trial herding ad in the Fall Performance Issue and this little black and white number in the upcoming issue.  Go, Chaseman!

    Agility Ad Summer 2013