‘Cool Stuff’ Category

  1. Four Weeks

    January 15, 2015 by myeye

    The Chase/Daisy puppies turned four weeks old yesterday.  I caught a couple of photos this morning.  There are only two choices when taking photos of the baybeez:  crisp, clear shots = they are asleep, if you want to see their eyes, they will be moving and the photos will be a little blurry.  Here are a couple of shots from this morning.

    Quinn 1-15-15The Mighty Quinn

    Ultra-Sabin-Quinn 1-15-15Right to left – Ultra, Sabin, Quinn

    The puppies are happily eating goatmilk and ground raw turkey from a bowl twice a day.  Daisy keeps them clean and feeds them as well.  The baybeez love company and greet me with wagging tails.  They are in the waddling stage.  I look forward to seeing them trot.  They are using the potty box most of the time.  I CANNOT wait until it is ALL THE TIME.

    The puppycam is up.  Click on “Puppycam” at the top of the page, the username is elyan and the password is puppies.  The page will time out after three minutes to protect me from the wrath of Comcast for using too much band width.  Enjoy!


  2. Straight No Chaser – 12 Days of Christmas (Original)

    December 12, 2013 by myeye

    Vicki over on “I Need Orange” posted Straight No Chaser’s Dreaming of a White Christmas — which is very cool.  That reminded me of how much I LOVE their version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.  So here it is.  Smile!

  3. Watson Handles The Sheep

    July 4, 2013 by myeye

    Watson is Holmes’ brother (bet you didn’t see that coming).  The two boys comprised my first Cardigan litter.  They were born on September 19, 2009.  Watson lives with Alden Murray and children out in the Napa Valley.  He’s a happy, sweet boy.  Watson needed a job so Alden took him to Debbie Pollard’s ranch to learn to herd.  Last Fall he earned his HT and today, he earned his PT — two runs in one day, in 103 degree weather — and he did it.  We are so proud of Chase’s first two children, and the beautiful Phoebe’s last children.  Here is a photo of Watson admiring his green rosettes — we’re admiring them as well.  GOOD DOG!

    Watson PT blog

  4. Copper Meets The Ducks – Instinct Testing

    June 23, 2013 by myeye

    Copper (Hillary) is my keeper from the Chase/Dory litter.  I co-own her with Kevin Dooley.  She is a little red sprite and we are having a wonderful time with her.  She loves to learn and has the sunniest disposition!  Today we went herding and Kevin brought Copper along.  She watched and I swear was taking notes, when she got her chance in the arena, she announced that she wanted to be a herding dog.  Whoo hoo!  Kevin is ready to learn.


    Copper in the arena with Ellen Gerwin.

  5. Ginger’s Agility Debut

    June 22, 2013 by myeye

    Kathy Metcalf and her pretty Scout/Chase daughter, Ginger, made Ginger’s Agility debut this morning.  Here is the video — go, girls!