I got people together. Kathy Yarwood Sanchez offered up her fingers holding tiny disks of string cheese. I wrestled with the little kids trying to stack them, Pam Day manned the camera. Unfortunately the puppies did not freeze in little show dog position, but these shots will give you an idea of how they looked at two months old.
Banter (becoming Elyan Jose Aldo, called “Aldo”)
Ezra (Elyan Max Baer) – not particularly cooperative
Alice is staying with me, Chase and River (who loves playing with puppies littler than she is). Banter/Aldo is going to Portland with Kristine Hayes. Ezra is in Silver City with Carol Ann Young. I wish the other three puppies had lived, but I love these three little Tuli/Chase children and consider them a gift. They are happy, athletic, willing, and bold.