‘Dog Friends’ Category

  1. Go Little Tuli

    April 9, 2016 by myeye

    Tuli and our friend Kim Raleigh went to Hobbs the first weekend of February.  On Sunday Tuli was a rockstar.  She was in the 12-18 month class which she won.  She went Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and . . . wait for it . . . Best of Breed over four Champions to earn her first major.  Of course, we have no more shows within shouting distance until May.  We will head off to our National Specialty at the Purina Events Center in Missouri the first week of May.  It’s a really big sheww — we look forward to seeing all of our friends and dogs we’ve not seen before.  Pam Day and Lacey will be there.  Chase is entered in the CWCCA’s first triathalon.  He will herd, run agility, and compete in conformation.

    Here is Tuli’s win photo from Hobbs

    Hobbs 2-7-16 Tuli BOB-Major Cropped

  2. Dem Bones

    December 22, 2015 by myeye

    Yesterday it was Addie’s turn to visit Dr. Donny.  We did hips, elbows, and a patella check for OFA.  I think these are pretty nice hips:

    Addie OFA Hips 12-21-15

    Donny took the time to explain to Debbie, Pam, and me what he was looking for and why he liked these hips.  I always appreciate his conversations.

    I am firmly convinced that OFA and the IRS are sister companies so I’ll just hold my breath until the results are in.  We submitted digitally so should have an answer in the next two to three weeks.

  3. An Unexpected Package

    December 14, 2015 by myeye

    When I went to my Post Office today, I had a pick-up notice in my box (actually two, but one was unimportant).  The other box was totally unexpected.  It was from my friend Margaret Williams.  Margaret lives in South Dakota and I know she is really jealous because we have had so much snow and rain while she enjoys unseasonal warmth.  The box contained real surprises.  One was the much-coveted Target Corgi ornament.  When the little guys hit the Target shelves, Corgi Nation gathered together and launched an unparalleled rescue operation.  That meant if you didn’t get a Target Corgi ornament in the first few days after they were stocked, you were not getting one.  We don’t have a Target in Los Lunas and I had not been in Albuquerque when I also had time to systematically hit the Targets to find one of the elusive ornaments.  I assumed I would have to do without, but then Margaret packaged up one of the little guys and sent it to me.  They are very cute!  Don’t you agree?

    Target Corgi

    Also in the surprise box was a lovely oval, beveled glass ornament with a photo on it of Chase herding sheep.  It is an early morning photo so includes many shades of blue.  It is so beautiful, so unexpected, and I am so grateful.  What a wonderful gift.  Hugs to Margaret.

    Ornament from Margaret

  4. Gang Aft A’glay

    November 28, 2015 by myeye

    Wednesday morning I took Ms. Copper in to Los Lunas Animal Clinic for an ultrasound — to see if she was indeed pregnant.  Unfortunately, it appears she is not.  I am very bummed — and I know there are others who were waiting for puppies — who are probably pretty sad as well.  So, back to the drawing board.  When you do not use the “turn the dog loose in the neighborhood and see who gets her” method of impregnating, the planning, timing, and execution are painful and must be precise.  We had a couple of hitches in the road which caused us to use frozen semen.  The conception rate with frozen is significantly lower than it is with chilled extended or live.  I would never plan on using frozen with a maiden, but circumstances overrode my preferences.  Let’s see how things go with Copper.  I hope to do a spring breeding.  I hope it is more successful.

  5. CH Elyan Adelaide Eco PT

    November 18, 2015 by myeye

    Lots of people joined in to earn Addie’s Championship.  In early November, Kim Raleigh handled Addie in Pueblo for her final Championship point and her first Grand Champion Points.  One of Kim’s friends caught this lovely photo of our girl.  Many thanks to everyone who participated in making this happen.  Addie is litter sister to Andy (MHIT Elyan Andrews Honor Roll BN CDX RAE), owned and trained by Sheri O’Brien and Copper (Elyan The Auburn Tigress HT CD), shared by me with Tricia and Kevin Dooley.  Parents are Chase (MHIT GCH/Can CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HXAs OAP OJP VCX ROMs) and Dory (GCH Raglans Just Keep Swimming CGC ROMb).  What a happy group of youngsters they are.  Addie is with Debbie Yarbrough at Rebel Collies.

    Addie - champion 11-6-15