‘Doing Good’ Category

  1. What a Great Weekend!

    April 14, 2014 by myeye

    This post will be short, but I’ll embellish it with photos and video later on.

    We had a most splendiferous weekend.


    CHASE:  Although Chase and the geese did not bond (at all) at the PWCCSC All-Corgi Herding Trial, the sheep were to his liking.  On Saturday, he was second to “Rocky” in Advanced Sheep and earned 2 Championship Points.  Ellen Gerwin is his pilot.  Here is a link to the video:


    ADDIE:  This Chase/Dory daughter is owned and handled by Celena Slaton.  Addie was Best of Winners at the Terry-All Show for another point.

    MEA:  This is a Holmes/Rhiannon baby girl.  She earned her first point owner-handled by Arlene Irby.

    NOLA:  Our funny red girl and her owner Elfie Payne earned a second place in Novice Obedience.  She scored 192.5 and completed her CD.  All three of her legs were 192 (or higher) in huge classes.  She was awarded a first place and two second places.  Nola is a Chase/Leidy daughter.


    CHASE:  Even better than Saturday.  Chase won the Advanced Sheep class and earned his first herding major.  It has taken more than a year for Ellen and Chase to become comfortable with one another on the course (remember there is livestock running around out there).  It’s been worth the wait.

    ADDIE: Ms. Addie and Celena took Best of Breed over two Champions.  This yearling just keeps getting better and better.  She will be at the National Specialty next week — I hope the judge loves her as much as we do.

    SMOOCH:  Earned another RAE leg with her owner DeAnn Nelson.  Smoochie and Nola are littermates.

    It was a crazed weekend here while I searched unsuccessfully for the Title to the little trailer.  I know it is here — somewhere.  Then I discovered, with the help of my neighbor that we could not discover the towing wiring on the Element (affectionately called “Hi-O”).  It has the travel package (roof rack, trailer hitch), but no receptacle for the trailer’s brake lights/running lights — not that it matters because I can’t transfer the trailer to my name and register it without the title.

    The wind BLEW.  The mountains were not visible, the tumbleweeds are piling up, and everything has a thin coating of dust.


    Have the wiring harness installed on the car, make arrangements to rent a small trailer, try to make some clients happy, and have lunch with Jean.  See, I am clinging to sanity!

  2. Bragging On The Chase Kids

    September 28, 2013 by myeye

    Kathy Metcalfe is a friend who owns one of the Chase/Scout daughters — Champion Mockingbird-Wyncrest’s I Believe in Magic NAP NJP NFP CA.  The dog is called “Gingersnap”.  A few weeks ago Ginger went to Idaho to stay with our friend Angelia Hall so she could go to some dog shows.  Her first weekend out was two weeks ago in Utah where she was Best of Breed on both Saturday and Sunday.   Yesterday was the Richland Washington Regional Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America Specialty.  It has grown to be the third largest Specialty in the United States — after our National Specialty and the much revered Western Reserve Specialty.  There was an entry of 70 Cardigans.  It was pouring rain, but Ginger and Angie persevered and slogged home with a BOB — or Best In Specialty Show (BISS).  We are so proud of this lovely girl.  We are doing a happy dance ’round these parts!

    Ginger’s cousin Nash was Best of Opposite Sex to the Best of Breed — pretty darned impressive for the Alice/Hunter grandkids.

    BISS at Richland 9-27-13Thank you Heather Jaycox for this great photo!

    Ginger - BOB - Richland croppedAnd a lovely Randy Roberts win photo!

  3. It’s Official – ROM Silver

    September 27, 2013 by myeye

    I have been notified that Chase has officially earned his Register of Merit Silver designation from the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America.  That means he has at least 15 individual titled progeny that have earned a total of at least 30 titles.  I am so proud of his children and of the people that bred and own them.  These are the kids and their Moms:

    Dam: CH Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb =   GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot at Elyan CD RA “Holmes”, Elyan C-Myste Elementary My Dear Watson HT PT “Watson”

    Dam: Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb =   GCh Wellshire Absolut Magic (Winners Bitch at 2011 Nationals and a Group Winner) “Nikki”, Ch Welshire Queen of  Hearts “Ali”, Ch Wellshire Mr. Majestic “Deuce”, Wellshire Follow the Queen Darby HT PT “Darby”

    Dam: C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability = Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste CD PT AXP AXJ NFP RE VC “Smooch”, Elyan C-Myste The Times Picayune HT “Nola”

    Dam: GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb = HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd (Group Winner, High in All Breed Herding Trial) “Lowri”, GCh Mockingbird Practical Magic “Sally”, GCh Mockingbird It’s The Magic In Me “Tommy”, Ch Mockingbird Wynecrest’s I Believe In Magic NAP NJP NFP CA “Ginger” (Reserve Winners Bitch 2012 Nationals)

    Dam: Ch Coedwig’s Dejavu = Ch Snapdragon Something Unspoken “Riley

    Dam: GCh Raconteur We’ll Always Have Paris = Raconteur I’ll Have Another NJP “Stout”

    Dam: Ch Byrnecrest’s Keina Sweetie Sweet = McCombs Black Dinah HT

    There are more children from these and other litters out being shown and participating in Conformation, Herding, Obedience/Rally, and Agility.  Thank you to the breeders and the owners that have given these puppies every chance to excel.  I am so grateful.

    Chase will turn six in October.  I am hopeful that he will have the opportunity to continue enjoying his children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren.  Officially, Chase is GCh/Can Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAds HIAs HXAs NAP NJP VCX ROMs TT

  4. Worth a Big Brag

    April 2, 2013 by myeye

    A few weeks ago, beautiful Chase/Scout daughter “Ginger” (CH Mockingbird Wyncrest’s I Believe in Magic CA) earned Best of Breed (owner-handled) over 10 other Champions in Louisville.  Her very proud owner Kathy Metcalfe shared the win photo with me yesterday.  Ginger is such a lovely girl — with a side gait to die for.  Congratulations, Kathy and Grandpuppy.

    We will return soon to our regularly scheduled puppy program.

  5. Four Days in Denver and Upcoming

    February 20, 2013 by myeye

    Chase and Nola went to Denver last weekend for four days of dog shows.  Chase was there because he is going to the National Specialty and needed a refresher course on being a show dog.  His last conformation outing was in June.  Of course, he thought he was there to meet girls.  Poor Jess — she had her work cut out.  On Sunday, he managed a Best Opposite Sex to the lovely Libby.  The other three days he was unceremoniously dumped.  However, rumor has it that he had a splendid time.  Naughty Nola won the open class each of the first three days and on Saturday was Winners Bitch.  Unfortunately, she was not awarded Best of Winners so received only two points.  She needs a three-point major for her championship and the major was only in dogs.  Because the major in dogs did not hold on Monday, Nola did not show at all.  She did, however, entertain.  Now Chase will get back to herding and Nola to her agility class.

    Saturday and Sunday in Greenville SC, Lowri was Best of Breed both days, earned her Bronze level Grand Championship, and, on Sunday took a Group IV.  Lowri is always handled by co-owner Cheryl Kienast while our other co-owner, Susan Long, stands outside the ring and sweats bullets.  Lowri is in season and this weekend will be bred to GCH Twinroc Santa Paws (“Dickens”).  That litter will be due in late April or on May 1 — personally, I think a May day litter would be splendid.  Here’s how she looked this weekend.

    On the home front, Dory is showing early signs of pregnancy.  She should be just over four weeks along.  In a week, she’ll be losing her waist.  She is very sweet and lovey though, and we have pert pink nipples announcing impending motherhood.

    Because the puppies are due on March 25th, I will not be attending the National Specialty, however, Tom and Carolyn Cannon are going to swing by Los Lunas before they head to Tucson.  They will likely be here when Dory gives us puppies which will be very cool.  Kathleen McCombs will spend a night here on her way to Tucson as well.  It will be great to have a visit!  I am so far off the beaten path that my big social event is usually going to Court.  (How sad is that?)  So, I am excited about having company.  It also means that I will clean the house which is a REALLY big deal.