A sunny day, a camera, playful Cardis — the end result is very cute photos. Here is Salsa out in the big dog yard. Even with Riley photo-bombing we got some keeper pictures. We’ll start with a pretty Riley head.
‘Riley’ Category
Salsa – Eleven Weeks Old
November 30, 2013 by myeye
Category Chase, Ditto, Dog Friends, Home, Rhiannon, Riley, Salsa | Tags: | 6 Comments
It’s Official – ROM Silver
September 27, 2013 by myeye
I have been notified that Chase has officially earned his Register of Merit Silver designation from the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America. That means he has at least 15 individual titled progeny that have earned a total of at least 30 titles. I am so proud of his children and of the people that bred and own them. These are the kids and their Moms:
Dam: CH Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb = GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot at Elyan CD RA “Holmes”, Elyan C-Myste Elementary My Dear Watson HT PT “Watson”
Dam: Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb = GCh Wellshire Absolut Magic (Winners Bitch at 2011 Nationals and a Group Winner) “Nikki”, Ch Welshire Queen of Hearts “Ali”, Ch Wellshire Mr. Majestic “Deuce”, Wellshire Follow the Queen Darby HT PT “Darby”
Dam: C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability = Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste CD PT AXP AXJ NFP RE VC “Smooch”, Elyan C-Myste The Times Picayune HT “Nola”
Dam: GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb = HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd (Group Winner, High in All Breed Herding Trial) “Lowri”, GCh Mockingbird Practical Magic “Sally”, GCh Mockingbird It’s The Magic In Me “Tommy”, Ch Mockingbird Wynecrest’s I Believe In Magic NAP NJP NFP CA “Ginger” (Reserve Winners Bitch 2012 Nationals)
Dam: Ch Coedwig’s Dejavu = Ch Snapdragon Something Unspoken “Riley
Dam: GCh Raconteur We’ll Always Have Paris = Raconteur I’ll Have Another NJP “Stout”
Dam: Ch Byrnecrest’s Keina Sweetie Sweet = McCombs Black Dinah HT
There are more children from these and other litters out being shown and participating in Conformation, Herding, Obedience/Rally, and Agility. Thank you to the breeders and the owners that have given these puppies every chance to excel. I am so grateful.
Chase will turn six in October. I am hopeful that he will have the opportunity to continue enjoying his children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. Officially, Chase is GCh/Can Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAds HIAs HXAs NAP NJP VCX ROMs TT
Category Agility, Chase, Conformation, Ditto, Dog Friends, Doing Good, Ginger, Herding, Holmes, Keina, Leidy, Lowri, Magic, Nola, Obedience, Phoebe, Puppies, Rally, Riley, Scout, Smooch, Watson, Ziva | Tags: | 3 Comments
The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get
September 24, 2013 by myeye
I owe a long report.
Holmes/Rhiannon Puppies are growing like crazy. Kathy McCombs regularly posts their photos on Facebook. Very very cute! I will be going to the puppy evaluation party in Waco on November 9th. The plan is to bring home a girl puppy to be all mine. We will call her “Salsa”.
Newman went to his new home on Saturday morning. He is in Albuquerque and will be called “Harry” (or is that “Hairy”). He has his very own 7 year old little girl. He loves Jordan already. He seems to think the adults are fine as well. I miss Newmie (a lot). Lily is the last puppy at the house and she also misses her brother — except when she is out of the puppy pen and playing with Chase and Riley. The little stinker is fast and fearless. She is again wearing a fashionable bonnet. Newmie’s ears came up and stayed with one taping, but Lily’s ears are more stubborn. She will be flying to Salt Lake City on October 4th. Mark Roundtree will take her home to Wyoming for a week or so and then Jenn Roundtree will fetch her and take her to Elko Nevada. I swear this litter has more frequent flyer miles . . .
Riley is a baddog through and through. She tore open a bag of charcoal and strewed it across the patio. She shoves the puppy’s x-pen into itself until she can wiggle a toy, antler, piece of puppy poop to the outside. Baddog! She is, however, a great playmate for both Chase and baby Lily. She’s one of those cheerful dogs that believes there is joy to be found in every minute of the day. She and Banjo are going to make wonderful puppies — looks like there will be a percentage of fluffs in their litter:-)
Chase had a great agility weekend. He didn’t qualify on every run — earned one Open Standard leg — a clean run, 26 seconds under Standard Course Time for a blue ribbon, and earned one Open Jumpers leg with a clean run, 20 seconds under Standard Course Time for another blue ribbon. While he was having a blast, his son Stout and Merinda Tiffany were running agility in Cincinnati. Stout earned his Novice Jumpers title. That title qualified him as a Register of Merit progeny for Chase — the 15th progeny — and completed the requirements for Chase’s Register of Merit Silver designation. So many of Chase’s kids have gone to great homes where they’ve earned herding, obedience, agility and conformation titles which makes earning the Register of Merit award relatively easy.
Elfie sent me an email letting me know that
NaughtySweet Nola saved the day for their obedience trial. When they arrived at the trial site, the grounds were covered with ducks. Elfie sent Nola who herded them back down to the lake. By 6:00 AM the grounds crew was able to set the rings. The ducks did not return.We are gearing up for our local shows the middle of October. Little Copper will be 6 months old tomorrow so she is entered all four show days in conformation and three days in obedience (Novice B). It will be fun to compare our redhead with other dogs.
I hope to add some agility video to this post — the link to the video is fighting with me. As soon as it’s figured out, you’ll be able to watch the Chaseman running his fool head off.
I am finishing off the Bulletin and plan to have it to proofreading tomorrow night. What a relief that will be! Now I need to do some income-producing work for a change.
Category Baddog, Chase, Copper, CWCCA Bulletin, Dog Friends, Dog Shows, Ear Taping, Ear Taping, Holmes, Nola, Puppies, Riley | Tags: | Comments Off on The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get
The Heathens (and Family) At 14 Weeks
September 15, 2013 by myeye
My yard is all mud — the better to play say Lily and Newman (and Grampa Chase and Aunt Riley). Next Saturday Newmie will go to live with Linda, Melissa, and his very own little girl Jordan. Lily will be flying to Nevada (via Salt Lake City) on October 4th to be with Jennifer and Mark Roundtree. This will be the first time without puppies since late March. The floors will be cleaner, I’ll probably get more sleep — but where’s the fun in that. So, here are a bunch of photos from this morning’s romp in the yard.
You can be king even if you are very muddy
Category Chase, Dog Friends, Heath, Home, Nola, Other dogs, Riley, Weather | Tags: | 2 Comments
A Pupdate – Singing In The Rain
September 13, 2013 by myeye
We have had more rain than we’re used to having. The weeds are cheering loudly. The dogs love it (probably because they’re not used to it). Story (Kimber) is in Knoxville with Cheryl Kienast and photos/videos are springing up on her FaceBook page and on her blog. Story’s registered name is “Elyan Storybook At Bluefox”. Lily will be going to Elko Nevada on October 4th to live with Jennifer Roundtree. Jennnifer and Mark own the puppies’ Grandma Leidy (Nola’s Mom). Newmie — well that’s a little bump in the road. He was going to live in California, but his “to be” owner discovered she has a zoning issue re: number of dogs. Since her mother with be living with them, and has three dogs, with the two the family already has, Newmie would be too many. I’m happy we discovered the problem now rather than after he made the trip.
Here are some morning photos of Lily, Newmie, Grampa Chase and Aunt Riley.
Chase and the Baybeez getting muddy, but having a blast
Riley has an antler — she is cornered
Category Chase, Heath, Home, Nola, Puppies, Riley, Weather | Tags: | 4 Comments