‘Health and Welfare’ Category

  1. More on Dem Bones

    April 9, 2016 by myeye

    The hip xray experience with Addie was most unusual.  We sent the xray below to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.  Each xray they receive is sent to three of the orthopedic vets on their panel for review and rating.  Addie’s elbows were normal, but her hip xray elicited three different ratings — one from each of the reviewing vets.  I called foul and we re-xrayed her, set up for PennHip.  The results — her hips rate above 90% of the Cardigan hips submitted for review.  I am good with that rating and would have no issue breeding her.  So, yay Addie!

  2. Dem Bones

    December 22, 2015 by myeye

    Yesterday it was Addie’s turn to visit Dr. Donny.  We did hips, elbows, and a patella check for OFA.  I think these are pretty nice hips:

    Addie OFA Hips 12-21-15

    Donny took the time to explain to Debbie, Pam, and me what he was looking for and why he liked these hips.  I always appreciate his conversations.

    I am firmly convinced that OFA and the IRS are sister companies so I’ll just hold my breath until the results are in.  We submitted digitally so should have an answer in the next two to three weeks.

  3. Allergies and Ultrasounds

    December 5, 2015 by myeye

    This morning we again ran an ultrasound over Copper’s tummy — just to be sure.  Unfortunately, she is still not pregnant.  I am so bummed!

    Tuli has been suffering with hotspots.  Last week, my vets took skin plugs and sent them off to Spectrum labs to see if our puppy has environmental allergies.  Indeed, Tuli does.  The results are below.  The answer is the compounding of oral drops that will be administered under her tongue for 3 to 5 months.  The Clinic will order the drops on Monday.  In the meantime, I will re-home Tuli’s pet cockroach.


  4. No puppies? Oh No!

    March 25, 2015 by myeye

    Little Ultra (“Elyan A Kiss For Luck”) leaves tomorrow for her new home in Michigan.  She turned 14 weeks old today and I fear I kept her too long — I hate to see her go.  I know she will have a wonderful life with Jon and Kristen Smith — they will spend far more time with her than I am able, but darn!  She has the cutest face and the happiest wag.  Bye, sweetie.  I am glad Lacey is nearby so I can visit with her and Pam.

    Ultra in tape 3-25-15It’s a princess crown for the little girl.

    Ultra looking up 3-25-15Such a sweet face.

  5. Baybeez! Daisy/Chase Baybeez

    December 18, 2014 by myeye

    Daisy began whelping puppies at 12:45 yesterday afternoon.  Three boys were born in the first 25 minutes.  Daisy is the most laid back mama dog EVER.  She just plopped the puppies out and began caring for them.  There were two brindle boys and a hefty red boy.  Then we went into what is often called a whelping pause.  Daisy was in no distress — just continued to take care of her three children.  After five hours, she delivered a puppy that had clearly been dead for some time and was beginning to decompose.  Almost immediately she delivered another boy — HEY DAISY, I SAID I WANTED GIRLS!  He was alive and well.  Then she delivered another boy who was out of the sac and dead.  Then a girl — a pretty brindle.  Another girl followed, she is a half-mask mismark, but full of spunk.  Another girl was dead on arrival.  Because of the puppy count on the xray, we thought Daisy was done, so I administered an oxytocin shot.  That resulted in delivery of a tenth puppy.  It was a boy and, sadly, he was dead and could not be revived.

    So — we have four boys and two girls.  One of the boys is a piebald (has white splashes on his body) — his baby name is “Picasso.”  The second boy is red (and very hefty).  His name is “Quinn.”  The third boy is a handsome brindle named “Rory.”  The fourth also a handsome brindle is “Sabin”.  The brindle girl is “Terra,” and the mismark girl is “Ultra.” 

    The puppycam would be up except that something in my security settings is preventing me from running Java.  I will figure that out today.  So beginning tomorrow, you will be able to watch the baybeez and Daisy.  If you would like access to the puppy cam, please use the contact at the top of the page, email me, or private message me on FaceBook.  Please, if you use the puppycam, log out after a few minutes of watching — DO NOT minimize and leave it running.  The cam uses a lot of bandwidth and I hope to avoid an argument with Comcast over my bandwidth use.

    The theme for this litter is the Carpenters’ song “We’ve Only Just Begun.”