‘Ditto’ Category

  1. Salsa – Eleven Weeks Old

    November 30, 2013 by myeye

    A sunny day, a camera, playful Cardis — the end result is very cute photos.  Here is Salsa out in the big dog yard.  Even with Riley photo-bombing we got some keeper pictures.  We’ll start with a pretty Riley head.

    Riley 11-30-13 blogPretty Riley (Chase x Ditto)

    Grampa - May I Have IT 11-30-13 blogMay I Have That Grampa?

    Here Comes Salsa 11-30-13 blogDid you call me?

    Salsa - what 11-30-13 blogPeeking

    Salsa coming 11-30-13 blogSooo Cuuute!

    Standing 3-4 face 11-30-13 blogReady for Action

  2. It’s Official – ROM Silver

    September 27, 2013 by myeye

    I have been notified that Chase has officially earned his Register of Merit Silver designation from the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America.  That means he has at least 15 individual titled progeny that have earned a total of at least 30 titles.  I am so proud of his children and of the people that bred and own them.  These are the kids and their Moms:

    Dam: CH Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb =   GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot at Elyan CD RA “Holmes”, Elyan C-Myste Elementary My Dear Watson HT PT “Watson”

    Dam: Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb =   GCh Wellshire Absolut Magic (Winners Bitch at 2011 Nationals and a Group Winner) “Nikki”, Ch Welshire Queen of  Hearts “Ali”, Ch Wellshire Mr. Majestic “Deuce”, Wellshire Follow the Queen Darby HT PT “Darby”

    Dam: C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability = Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste CD PT AXP AXJ NFP RE VC “Smooch”, Elyan C-Myste The Times Picayune HT “Nola”

    Dam: GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb = HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd (Group Winner, High in All Breed Herding Trial) “Lowri”, GCh Mockingbird Practical Magic “Sally”, GCh Mockingbird It’s The Magic In Me “Tommy”, Ch Mockingbird Wynecrest’s I Believe In Magic NAP NJP NFP CA “Ginger” (Reserve Winners Bitch 2012 Nationals)

    Dam: Ch Coedwig’s Dejavu = Ch Snapdragon Something Unspoken “Riley

    Dam: GCh Raconteur We’ll Always Have Paris = Raconteur I’ll Have Another NJP “Stout”

    Dam: Ch Byrnecrest’s Keina Sweetie Sweet = McCombs Black Dinah HT

    There are more children from these and other litters out being shown and participating in Conformation, Herding, Obedience/Rally, and Agility.  Thank you to the breeders and the owners that have given these puppies every chance to excel.  I am so grateful.

    Chase will turn six in October.  I am hopeful that he will have the opportunity to continue enjoying his children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren.  Officially, Chase is GCh/Can Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAds HIAs HXAs NAP NJP VCX ROMs TT

  3. The Red Line

    August 21, 2012 by myeye

    Chase has produced some very pretty red dogs.  The red is deep and rich with dark nose and eye pigment.  Love the red dogs!  These photos were take by Kevin McCombs.  The dogs are Killian (Chase/Ditto) and Kelli (Chase/Keina).  Reds must stick together!  Other pretty red kids: Owen (Chase/Ditto) and Nola (Chase/Leidy)

    Killian loves his little sister

    He even keeps her ears clean for her

  4. Photos of Owen

    June 8, 2012 by myeye

    Owen is one of the Chase/Ditto kids (Rango, Killian, Riley, Wendell, etc.).  Owen lives in California with Sarah Stevens who is kind enough to feed my need for photos of the Grandpuppies.  These are of Owen doing two of his favorite things.  Sarah says Owen loves herding, showing great instinct and talent.  Do you think this might be a trend?  Sarah also does nosework with the little sable man.  Go, Owen and Sarah!

    Get those sheepies, boy!

    These are a few of my favorite things!

  5. Overdue Post

    May 16, 2012 by myeye

    It has been very busy out AND my laptop at home (which I keep docked when it’s not traveling with me) installed an automatic update.  That update made the machine not recognize the wireless mouse/keyboard that I use with it.  The itsy bitsy laptop keyboard is not comfortable for my fingers so I put off updating until today when I am back in the office.

    First, I mentioned on Facebook that Chase has a dryer coat in gold lame’.  We used it to control his butt curls and it works wonderfully.  We were at the High Desert Show Cluster Saturday through yesterday.  On Saturday, he wore the coat from the car into the building.  As we came into the grooming room someone shouted, “Oh look, Elvis is alive and he just entered the building!”  Now why would they say that?

    Unfortunately, the photo is a little yellow because of the florescent overhead lights.  This drying coat is the best thing since puffed wheat!  I think he looks more like a short-legged character from the Avengers than he looks like Elvis — or maybe Liberace.  I need to sew a big C on it.

    So, the wrap-up for the show:  Chase was Best of Breed Saturday and Monday for two 5-point Grand Champion majors.  On Sunday and yesterday he was Select for 1 point each day (the girls had the big entry).  That leaves us needing one Grand Champion point for his title.  Chase’s son Rango took the cross-over BOW on Monday for a 4-point major.  He was in the 9-12 puppy class.  I actually handled him in Best of Breed to earn his cross-over while Jessica Viera was doing a lovely job presenting Chase.  Although Chase has been shown only a handful of times in the last 19 months (while he was herding), he stepped right up to the plate.  He moved beautifully, tried to give the judges kisses (wily boy, isn’t he?), and did everything Jess asked of him — well, except on Sunday.  Nola has been in season and Sunday, Chase’s hormones got the better of him.  He looked like a tuning fork on the table.  From some distance you could see even his ears quivering.  The judge (who had given him his first major, at the same show, on Mothers Day four years ago) told me she still loved him, but couldn’t reward him when he wouldn’t act like a Special.  That’s just a boy thing, but an expensive one.

    No decision on the well issue at the house.  My neighbors are hiding from me, the man who owned the vacant lot next door said he let it revert to the prior owners — so now I need to contact them to pay their share of the necessary well maintenance.  The actual well is located on their acre so I suppose there could be a lien against the property.  However, the well drilling people are going to want money — they just don’t operate on promises.

    I’m going to do work now.  I have clients in need.  Have a great rest of the week.