‘Heath’ Category

  1. The Heathens (and Family) At 14 Weeks

    September 15, 2013 by myeye

    My yard is all mud — the better to play say Lily and Newman (and Grampa Chase and Aunt Riley).  Next Saturday Newmie will go to live with Linda, Melissa, and his very own little girl Jordan.  Lily will be flying to Nevada (via Salt Lake City) on October 4th to be with Jennifer and Mark Roundtree.  This will be the first time without puppies since late March.  The floors will be cleaner, I’ll probably get more sleep — but where’s the fun in that.  So, here are a bunch of photos from this morning’s romp in the yard.

    Chase smiles 9-15-13 blogDirty Grampa Chase

    Grampa Chase and the Heathens 9-15-13 blogThe Heathens and Grampa

    Riley in the pool 9-15-13 blogAunt Riley

    In the jungle 9-15-13 blogIn the jungle . . .

    Mud wars 9-15-13 blogMud Wars

    Go Lily 9-15-13 blogGo, Lily!

    Lily 9-15-13 blogOur Little Lily-pad

    Newmie Reclining 9-15-13 blogYou can be king even if you are very muddy

    Newmie head 9-15-13 blogNewmie on candid camera

  2. A Pupdate – Singing In The Rain

    September 13, 2013 by myeye

    We have had more rain than we’re used to having.  The weeds are cheering loudly.  The dogs love it (probably because they’re not used to it).  Story (Kimber) is in Knoxville with Cheryl Kienast and photos/videos are springing up on her FaceBook page and on her blog.  Story’s registered name is “Elyan Storybook At Bluefox”.  Lily will be going to Elko Nevada on October 4th to live with Jennifer Roundtree.  Jennnifer and Mark own the puppies’ Grandma Leidy (Nola’s Mom).  Newmie — well that’s a little bump in the road.  He was going to live in California, but his “to be” owner discovered she has a zoning issue re: number of dogs.  Since her mother with be living with them, and has three dogs, with the two the family already has, Newmie would be too many.  I’m happy we discovered the problem now rather than after he made the trip.

    Here are some morning photos of Lily, Newmie, Grampa Chase and Aunt Riley.

    Riley - puppies in rainChase and the Baybeez getting muddy, but having a blast

    Chase-Heathens in RainAunt Riley and the Heathens

    Puppies corner RileyRiley has an antler — she is cornered

  3. Wednesday morning with the dog family

    September 4, 2013 by myeye

    Aunt Riley arrived last night — thank you Lyn Black for bringing her from Dallas on your way home from Monroe.  Riley was here when she was a baby and has moved right back in.  She and Chase have played non-stop.  She loves the little Heathens so was out with them this morning.  Here is a snippet of their fun.

  4. It’s More Holiday

    September 2, 2013 by myeye

    Puppies have splendid ability to get into trouble.  They see things humans don’t even notice.  Here they are this morning in the back yard.  After I took this photo, I returned them to their pen and they are sleeping off all the excitement.

    Search and Destroy blog

  5. Sunday Morning

    September 1, 2013 by myeye

    Another gorgeous morning.  Story (Kimber) is entering her last week here at the home of the baddogs.  Her Grampa has taught her as much as he knows before she heads off to Tennessee next Sunday.  Sitting on the patio, sipping coffee, watching the Heathens wrestle with one another and follow Chase around is the very best way to begin a day.

    Sunday AMSo Grampa, tell us about when you were a puppy.

    Dirty PuppiesIf we didn’t have a wading pool, we couldn’t get so dirty

    Morning RompQueen of the mountain