‘Phoebe’ Category

  1. Happy 5th Barkday to Holmes and Watson

    September 19, 2014 by myeye

    It is hard to believe that Holmes and Watson are 5 years old today — lots of exciting events with the dogs during this time.  Holmes earned his Grand Championship, his CD and his RA.  He lives in Chicago with Ali and Eric and two cats.  Watson has had the opportunity to herd and earned his HT and PT last summer.  He is in Napa with Alden.  I love my doubleton!  A few photos:

    Holmes Smelling the Iris - blog - 5-4-2010This is one of my favorite Holmes photos.  He was 5 months old.

    Holmes and Family 2-21-10 blogIt’s all about family — Holmes, Daddy Chase, Chase’s sister Molly, and Grandma Alice in April, 2010

    Watson - fall 2009Puppy Watson, Fall 2009 — he’s a very sweet boy


  2. It’s Official – ROM Silver

    September 27, 2013 by myeye

    I have been notified that Chase has officially earned his Register of Merit Silver designation from the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America.  That means he has at least 15 individual titled progeny that have earned a total of at least 30 titles.  I am so proud of his children and of the people that bred and own them.  These are the kids and their Moms:

    Dam: CH Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb =   GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot at Elyan CD RA “Holmes”, Elyan C-Myste Elementary My Dear Watson HT PT “Watson”

    Dam: Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb =   GCh Wellshire Absolut Magic (Winners Bitch at 2011 Nationals and a Group Winner) “Nikki”, Ch Welshire Queen of  Hearts “Ali”, Ch Wellshire Mr. Majestic “Deuce”, Wellshire Follow the Queen Darby HT PT “Darby”

    Dam: C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability = Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste CD PT AXP AXJ NFP RE VC “Smooch”, Elyan C-Myste The Times Picayune HT “Nola”

    Dam: GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb = HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd (Group Winner, High in All Breed Herding Trial) “Lowri”, GCh Mockingbird Practical Magic “Sally”, GCh Mockingbird It’s The Magic In Me “Tommy”, Ch Mockingbird Wynecrest’s I Believe In Magic NAP NJP NFP CA “Ginger” (Reserve Winners Bitch 2012 Nationals)

    Dam: Ch Coedwig’s Dejavu = Ch Snapdragon Something Unspoken “Riley

    Dam: GCh Raconteur We’ll Always Have Paris = Raconteur I’ll Have Another NJP “Stout”

    Dam: Ch Byrnecrest’s Keina Sweetie Sweet = McCombs Black Dinah HT

    There are more children from these and other litters out being shown and participating in Conformation, Herding, Obedience/Rally, and Agility.  Thank you to the breeders and the owners that have given these puppies every chance to excel.  I am so grateful.

    Chase will turn six in October.  I am hopeful that he will have the opportunity to continue enjoying his children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren.  Officially, Chase is GCh/Can Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAds HIAs HXAs NAP NJP VCX ROMs TT

  3. Watson Handles The Sheep

    July 4, 2013 by myeye

    Watson is Holmes’ brother (bet you didn’t see that coming).  The two boys comprised my first Cardigan litter.  They were born on September 19, 2009.  Watson lives with Alden Murray and children out in the Napa Valley.  He’s a happy, sweet boy.  Watson needed a job so Alden took him to Debbie Pollard’s ranch to learn to herd.  Last Fall he earned his HT and today, he earned his PT — two runs in one day, in 103 degree weather — and he did it.  We are so proud of Chase’s first two children, and the beautiful Phoebe’s last children.  Here is a photo of Watson admiring his green rosettes — we’re admiring them as well.  GOOD DOG!

    Watson PT blog

  4. 2013 National Specialty

    April 10, 2013 by myeye

    A great  still photo of Chase’s winning duck run with Ellen Gerwin.  This photo is by Pam Day:

    Here’s a blurry shot of him coming at us from the Megan with Jessica Viera (very glamorous).  Taken by NWJohn:

    He enjoyed himself.

    Here is a photo of Chase’s first “wife” — Watson’s and Holmes’ mother Phoebe.  She was Best Opposite Sex in the Veteran Sweeps at 11 years of age!  She is Ch Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb.

  5. GCh Holmes CD RA CGC TDI

    December 31, 2012 by myeye

    What a splendid way to end the year!  Anne Kowalczyk and Holmes (GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot At Elyan CD RA CGC TDI) went to a small obedience/rally trial this past weekend.  Holmes had his BN (Beginner Novice) with one leg toward his CD (Companion Dog) title, and his RN (Rally Novice) titles going in, but coming out — WOW!  On Saturday, the Club held two trials back to back.  Holmes’ entry for his Novice Obedience did not make it for the morning trial so he only competed in Rally Advanced — and qualified.  In the afternoon, he earned a second qualifying Rally Advanced leg.  After 6:00 pm, he finally got in the ring for Novice and he qualified.  On Sunday morning, he made it three for three and three for three, completing his Rally Advanced Title and his Companion Dog Title.  The icing on the cake is that the CD title completed his mom’s requirements for her ROMb.  (She is “Phoebe” CH Windshyre Stormy Weather).  There were owners of another Cardi competing and they took photos for Anne and she video’ed their dog’s run.  Here are some of my favorites:

    New Rally Advanced Title

    Figure 8

    Off Lead Heeling

    Stand For Exam (The Most Difficult Exercise for Every Cardi I’ve Trained)

    Now That’s a Recall

    Blue and Green — a new title ribbon yet to come because they ran out

    During the Long Down, another dog in line stood up and wandered over to sniff at Holmes.  What a well-trained boy to stay down.  Do you think Anne was holding her breath?

    How proud I am of this pair.  Holmes flew to Chicago last February.  A month later he earned his first Rally Novice leg.  In April at our National Specialty he completed his Rally Novice title and earned the second leg of his Beginner Novice title (BN).  Last summer he completed the BN and earned his CGC.  This Fall he completed requirements for his TDI so he can go with Anne to volunteer at Northwestern Children’s Hospital.  And then — this past weekend . . .

    Wonder what they will wow me with in 2013?  No pressure . . .