‘Rhiannon’ Category

  1. We certainly had a dog show

    October 15, 2014 by myeye

    On Thursday it rained, on Sunday the wind blew, but we are hardy souls and persevered.  Thursday and Friday the shows were held by Sangre de Cristo Kennel Club; Valencia Valley Kennel Club sponsored the weekend shows.  Valencia Valley also held the three Obedience/Rally trials.  In conformation, there were two dogs and ten bitches entered, 4 specials on Thursday, 5 on Friday.  Saturday and Sunday there were two dogs and twelve bitches entered, 6 Specials on Saturday and 7 on Sunday.  The 4 point and 5 point majors held and the dogs crossed over for majors most days.

    The Elyan dogs did well — I couldn’t be more pleased with them.  Kevin Dooley and Copper completed her CD in three straight days and earned High Scoring Cardigan each of those days.  She is a Chase/Dory daughter (Elyan The Auburn Tigress HT CD).  Her litter sister Addie (Elyan Adelaide Eco) won the 5-point major on Saturday and now has 11 points — one more major to finish her Championship.  Little Salsa (McCombs Salsa Dancin on Elyan Street) was Best in Sweepstakes on Saturday and Reserve to the 5-point major on Sunday.  Salsa is a GCh Holmes’ daughter and her mother is CH McCombs Telltail Fleetwood Mac’s Girl.

    CD Award 10-12-14 med resKevin Dooley, Copper, the Judge and the loot –Good job Copper and Kevin!

    My Best Boy Chase was Best of Breed on Thursday, Best of Opposite Sex on Friday, Select Dog on Saturday, and Best of Opposite Sex on Sunday.  A different dog was Best of Breed each day and the points were spread around.  Chase and Salsa were handled by Kim Raleigh who did a splendid job with them.

    Today we bred Daisy — looking forward to puppies on December 16th.

  2. What a Great Weekend!

    April 14, 2014 by myeye

    This post will be short, but I’ll embellish it with photos and video later on.

    We had a most splendiferous weekend.


    CHASE:  Although Chase and the geese did not bond (at all) at the PWCCSC All-Corgi Herding Trial, the sheep were to his liking.  On Saturday, he was second to “Rocky” in Advanced Sheep and earned 2 Championship Points.  Ellen Gerwin is his pilot.  Here is a link to the video:


    ADDIE:  This Chase/Dory daughter is owned and handled by Celena Slaton.  Addie was Best of Winners at the Terry-All Show for another point.

    MEA:  This is a Holmes/Rhiannon baby girl.  She earned her first point owner-handled by Arlene Irby.

    NOLA:  Our funny red girl and her owner Elfie Payne earned a second place in Novice Obedience.  She scored 192.5 and completed her CD.  All three of her legs were 192 (or higher) in huge classes.  She was awarded a first place and two second places.  Nola is a Chase/Leidy daughter.


    CHASE:  Even better than Saturday.  Chase won the Advanced Sheep class and earned his first herding major.  It has taken more than a year for Ellen and Chase to become comfortable with one another on the course (remember there is livestock running around out there).  It’s been worth the wait.

    ADDIE: Ms. Addie and Celena took Best of Breed over two Champions.  This yearling just keeps getting better and better.  She will be at the National Specialty next week — I hope the judge loves her as much as we do.

    SMOOCH:  Earned another RAE leg with her owner DeAnn Nelson.  Smoochie and Nola are littermates.

    It was a crazed weekend here while I searched unsuccessfully for the Title to the little trailer.  I know it is here — somewhere.  Then I discovered, with the help of my neighbor that we could not discover the towing wiring on the Element (affectionately called “Hi-O”).  It has the travel package (roof rack, trailer hitch), but no receptacle for the trailer’s brake lights/running lights — not that it matters because I can’t transfer the trailer to my name and register it without the title.

    The wind BLEW.  The mountains were not visible, the tumbleweeds are piling up, and everything has a thin coating of dust.


    Have the wiring harness installed on the car, make arrangements to rent a small trailer, try to make some clients happy, and have lunch with Jean.  See, I am clinging to sanity!

  3. The Girl Puppies – January 12th

    January 12, 2014 by myeye

    Sunshine!  When Chase and I returned from herding, we went into the back yard with Salsa (Holmes/Rhiannon) and Flutter (Lowri/Dickens).  Salsa is a month older than Flutter.  Today it was Flutter that made it into the camera’s eye most often.  Salsa was either too fast or was hidden behind her dad.  Enjoy photos of our cute little girls.

    Chase and Granddaughters 1-12-14 Chase and his granddaughters

    Flutter Coming 1-12-14

    Flutter Coming At You

    Flutter on the go 1-12-14

    Wait for me

    Flutter Peeling Out 1-12-14

    Flutter Peeling Out

    Flying Flutter 1-12-14

    Flutter on the move

    Go Flutter Go 1-12-14

    Look at Flutter go!

    Mine stick 1-12-14

    Mine! Mine! Mine!

    Salsa - Say what 1-12-14

    Salsa Smiling

  4. Salsa – Eleven Weeks Old

    November 30, 2013 by myeye

    A sunny day, a camera, playful Cardis — the end result is very cute photos.  Here is Salsa out in the big dog yard.  Even with Riley photo-bombing we got some keeper pictures.  We’ll start with a pretty Riley head.

    Riley 11-30-13 blogPretty Riley (Chase x Ditto)

    Grampa - May I Have IT 11-30-13 blogMay I Have That Grampa?

    Here Comes Salsa 11-30-13 blogDid you call me?

    Salsa - what 11-30-13 blogPeeking

    Salsa coming 11-30-13 blogSooo Cuuute!

    Standing 3-4 face 11-30-13 blogReady for Action