‘Ziva’ Category

  1. It’s Official – ROM Silver

    September 27, 2013 by myeye

    I have been notified that Chase has officially earned his Register of Merit Silver designation from the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America.  That means he has at least 15 individual titled progeny that have earned a total of at least 30 titles.  I am so proud of his children and of the people that bred and own them.  These are the kids and their Moms:

    Dam: CH Windshyre Stormy Weather ROMb =   GCh C-Myste The Game’s Afoot at Elyan CD RA “Holmes”, Elyan C-Myste Elementary My Dear Watson HT PT “Watson”

    Dam: Wellshire Lady Luck ROMb =   GCh Wellshire Absolut Magic (Winners Bitch at 2011 Nationals and a Group Winner) “Nikki”, Ch Welshire Queen of  Hearts “Ali”, Ch Wellshire Mr. Majestic “Deuce”, Wellshire Follow the Queen Darby HT PT “Darby”

    Dam: C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability = Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste CD PT AXP AXJ NFP RE VC “Smooch”, Elyan C-Myste The Times Picayune HT “Nola”

    Dam: GCh Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb = HIT GCh Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd (Group Winner, High in All Breed Herding Trial) “Lowri”, GCh Mockingbird Practical Magic “Sally”, GCh Mockingbird It’s The Magic In Me “Tommy”, Ch Mockingbird Wynecrest’s I Believe In Magic NAP NJP NFP CA “Ginger” (Reserve Winners Bitch 2012 Nationals)

    Dam: Ch Coedwig’s Dejavu = Ch Snapdragon Something Unspoken “Riley

    Dam: GCh Raconteur We’ll Always Have Paris = Raconteur I’ll Have Another NJP “Stout”

    Dam: Ch Byrnecrest’s Keina Sweetie Sweet = McCombs Black Dinah HT

    There are more children from these and other litters out being shown and participating in Conformation, Herding, Obedience/Rally, and Agility.  Thank you to the breeders and the owners that have given these puppies every chance to excel.  I am so grateful.

    Chase will turn six in October.  I am hopeful that he will have the opportunity to continue enjoying his children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren.  Officially, Chase is GCh/Can Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAds HIAs HXAs NAP NJP VCX ROMs TT

  2. Dog G’Ma At It Again

    March 29, 2012 by myeye

    I am crazy about my Grandpuppies — love every one of them.  Besides the lovely newborns at Kathy and Kevin McCombs’ home, there is an adorable cutey named Stout at Merinda Tiffany’s.  She is doing all sorts of puppy shaping which she videos.  If you want to grin at a darling little boy Cardi puppy showing off, visit Merinda’s blog.  It is http://PorterandStout.blogspot.com (so you can add it to your blogroll).  Stout and big brother Porter are affectionately known as the Brew Brothers.

    The Keina/Chase litter (McCombs) is a week old today.  The six girls and two boys are gaining well.  They are strong, active and very vocal.  In another week their eyes should open and they’ll look like real puppies.

    Oh, how I love the puppies!

  3. Have You Met Stout?

    January 27, 2012 by myeye

    Chase had a rendezvous with Vivian Moran’s Ziva.  Unfortunately, it was a day or so late in her season and the result was one dark brindle boy puppy.  He has gone to live with Merinda Tiffany.  He’s going to do it all — Merinda is a wonderful Cardi trainer in Agility and Obedience and Herding.  Vivian will show the little guy in conformation.  Merinda and her husband John mircobrew at home so the puppy is named “Stout”.  Merinda has started a blog for Stout and his older Cardi brother Porter.  I hope you’ll stop in to visit it.

  4. Chase Chillun – photo added

    November 17, 2011 by myeye

    The Chatre are doing well.  They had their eyes open at 11 days and at three weeks are racing around the whelping box.  Cheryl is having a merry chase which she chronicles on her blog (when she has time).

    Today a singleton Chase son was delivered by C-Section.  We were a day (or two) late breeding Ziva, but at initial evaluation Vivian is happy with this flashy dark brindle baby.  We expect the breeding will be repeated in the spring.  Here he is at a day old.  The fluffy, mismark, and off-color critters must serve as his littermates.

    I am working on the Bulletin and trying to get motions filed and billing out.  I’ll get some photos taken and liven up the blog soon.  We are done with shows for the year and well into next year.  Holmes and Nola are working on being obedient.  That’s actually not true — I am working on making Holmes and Nola obedient.

    As to our Lowri — YOU GO GIRL!!!

    CH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment PT – DN29684802

    Conformation – Awards Processed Through 05-NOV-2011

    Number of Points 15
    Number Major Wins 2
    Number Major Judges 2
    Total Number Judges 5


    Number of Points 2
    Number Major Wins 0
    Number Major Judges 0
    Total Number Judges 1
    Events w/CH Defeated 1

    Herding Test – Awards Processed Through 11-NOV-2011

    Number Qualifying Scores 2
    Number Different Judges 2